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Chippopotanuse t1_iribq1d wrote

> “After our Fenwick game last night, there was a group of parents that if there wasn’t a fence that I was concerned for my safety,” said Chace.

This is a high school football coach saying this. He probably played Hs football himself and doesn’t look like a small/weak guy. I’m sure he can handle his own.

So if he’s afraid for HIS safety…holy shit, how insane are these parents?

And with Aqib Talib starting a fight that turned fatal, and now Legarette Blount trying to assault folks…I don’t blame this coach one bit.

And for parents who think being a tough-ass who yells and degrades and assaults coaches or refs when you think they are doing your kid wrong…lemme take y’all back to Thomas Junta.

He was a 6’3” 275 lb teamster trucker. He bludgeoned a Pee Wee ref to death after a hockey game in Reading because he felt the ref wasn’t calling checks against his son. His own son was screaming at him to stop during the murder. The ref’s 3 kids witnessed their dad being killed.

And Junta goes to jail. Dies of cancer at 58 after getting out.

But here’s the legacy;

  • Junta’s kid Quinlan (who was yelling at his dad to stop)? Dead by 21. Was arrested for serious felonies by the age of 20.

  • Ref’s kid? Also dead at a very young age. Also had immense criminal record by the time of death.

Turns out having an explosive and violent asswipe for a dad who spends your formative years in jail is really goddamn hard to escape.

As is watching your dad get murdered by other parents.

I wish high schools and sports leagues took a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on this stuff. It’s just youth sports. Any threat of violence from parents ought to earn the parents and/or the kid a ban.

Good for this coach for resigning. You can’t please some of these parental maniacs.


77bobcat t1_irjyxzu wrote

Junta killed another parent not a ref. Not sure what’s worse.


Chippopotanuse t1_irk24xl wrote

Yeah, seems like it was some weird in-between thing:

> Costin died after July 7, two days after he became involved in a dispute with Junta at a rink in Reading, police say. Costin had been out on the ice supervising a group of youngsters, including his three sons and Junta’s son.

> The youngsters’s hockey game was supposed to be non-contact, but police say Junta became agitated when things got rough and some of the young players engaged in checking.

So, a parent, on-ice, trying to help kids playing informally. Wasn’t a sanctioned game, and yet Junta wanted that parent to blow more whistles?

Just a sad shitty situation all around. Those kids all had their lives ruined by Junta that day.