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Rotunda89 t1_iqwlxr1 wrote

What the hell is workplace mobbing?


[deleted] t1_iqwckvd wrote



dignitytogether OP t1_iqwd7v4 wrote

The point is the damage abuse at work does, especially when employers do nothing.


[deleted] t1_iqwelb2 wrote



dignitytogether OP t1_iqwfdu8 wrote

Good point about the rest of the people. Thank you.

We don't have any evidence there were other issues leading up to his breaking point, though. That's a myth that there must be preexisting issues when abuse leads to suicide.


noodle-face t1_iqya9vb wrote

Can anyone explain what this actually is about? What happened? What's mobbing?


CarefulDisaster4108 t1_iqyxlrj wrote

Mobbing is a phrase they use when they feel that they have been ganged up on. Which is actually very common in the workplace. When they want to remove somebody and bring their people in they will target people and they will torture torture people until they leave so they get their people in And it's very common. I wrote my experience down and then I realized this probably wasn't the proper place to do it. A couple of people set me straight and I appreciate That they did that for me because I was mouthing off about what happened to me and nobody really needs to hear it.. It's up to me to make the decision to leave instead of whining about it. But yes it's a real thing and it's horrifying


CarefulDisaster4108 t1_iqyxacw wrote

Took down my comments as well. I have to remember that this is not really the place to talk about what happened to me and how things are unfair sometimes. I understand that folks rely on votes like an upvote or a downvote. That's not who I am. I was just expressing what happened to me. But I took it down because this isn't the place and even though there's a bunch of really nice people here who mean well sometimes you have to deal with a harsh Response or 2. It's OKI accept that and I also accept that part of what happened I could have walked away from So I do blame myself for that but I wrote something that truly happened and it's hard to get over especially at my age. But yes of course I can look for another job. I will be fine. I regret sharing my story here. There are other places where I could find support and this is not the correct venue. I hope you all have a pleasant evening.. Best wishes


[deleted] t1_iqvubi7 wrote



TheBestDildo t1_iqvxgch wrote

I mean you could have got a different job?


CarefulDisaster4108 t1_iqw33bs wrote

Not with the pension or annuity.


TheBestDildo t1_iqw3bkn wrote

Nobody forced you to stay. You weighed financial gains to your mental health and made a decision.


CarefulDisaster4108 t1_iqw3xlk wrote

....I stayed for the wrong reasons.. correct. I deserved better, was a horrible place, and all of my friends, who are elder people, were bullied out.


[deleted] t1_iqw0ss8 wrote



TheBestDildo t1_iqw2mu2 wrote

It’s really wild.

I worked for a company that was extremely hesitant to let go of employees. We had a guy work there with obvious mental health issues. He was also incapable of doing the job. He literally showed up at the office for 10 years to do absolutely nothing while making 6 figures. Finally….I think 13 years in they let him go. He claimed bullying, filed suit, it was a whole mess.


itallendsintears t1_iqw317x wrote

TIL i learned “bullying” means reprimanding someone for a behavior or type of work ethic they don’t want to change.

SMH I’m a pretty open minded dude but this country is getting soft as fuck


CarefulDisaster4108 t1_iqw3n7j wrote

I'm not, though. I'm a good person and dedicated worker. I worked hard.


itallendsintears t1_iqw459l wrote

I deleted my comment just cause it’s really not appropriate if you were in fact dealing with this shit for 2.5 decades I was just being internet

I’m glad you got your pension and pushed through. Sorry for the ribbing


SLEEyawnPY t1_iqw2qc7 wrote

>The second I feel disrespected or treated poorly, by ANYONE for ANY amount of money, I’m out.

The other thing that can makes the American workplace environment suck is how many bullshitters there tend to be in them


itallendsintears t1_iqw3dnn wrote

Really? Cause I just left a job in august for a similar situation . Would you care to see the final text message I sent my boss because I’d be happy to dm you. Sorry you’re projecting your spinelessness onto me.


funferalia t1_iqwkaeh wrote


NotJustinTrottier t1_iqwoows wrote

We all see you picking the "man bites dog" story. And we see the false dichotomy between "looking different" versus "ideology," as if white supremacy doesn't elevate looking different into a genocidal ideology.

> Domestic terrorism incidents have soared to new highs in the United States, driven chiefly by white-supremacist, anti-Muslim and anti-government extremists on the far right ...

> [R]ight-wing extremist attacks and plots greatly eclipsing those from the far left and causing more deaths, the analysis shows.

But uh, how is this violence related to workplace bullying or "mobbing" (whatever that is) anyway? This just your pet issue you want to shoehorn in anywhere that might be tangentially related? The klan loves an evangelical, truly.


funferalia t1_ir2q163 wrote

Looks like you’ve made several flawed assumptions. Ignorance is bliss. BTW, the Washington Post has never been a wellspring of credibility. Critical thinking doesn’t cost much. You should try it sometime. Thanks for your timely response.


DismalSpread100 t1_iqy8zs9 wrote

This is not school, you are not forced to work somewhere. If your employer does nothing get a new job which btw is very easy nowadays. Also laughs in mechanic you would last a day in the shop snowflake


dignitytogether OP t1_iqvr540 wrote

Employers are not explicitly liable for the psychological harm of their employees, nor do they want to be. Employers choose to avoid a perceived threat of liability over human well-being.

Sign up for a Saturday, October 22 Lives Lost to Workplace Bullying and Mobbing protest in your area or start one:

Sign the petition to pass the Workplace Psychological Safety Act:
