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InspectorFun1699 OP t1_jdczagm wrote

I appreciate your insight! Coming from Chicago and having lived in N Europe for a spell, I was used to keeping to myself, then had the huge NC culture shock of "we must interact with everyone always and they will offer their opinions and pity on every aspect of my life even in an elevator" I'm used to it now and it's fine and I'm probably one of them! But good to know there will be another cultural/social transition ahead. As a natural introvert, should be a comfortable change! I honestly love love love experiencing new places so hopefully this will be ok too


Unique-Public-8594 t1_jdhalzr wrote

Honestly, I think the reserved and unfriendly stereotype is exaggerated. I think you will have plenty of friends and great neighbors. It just takes one organizer to have weekly pizza and wine block parties. It only takes one organizer to go out after work. There are plenty of ways to find a gym buddy.

Some people distrust nonlocals but I’d say that’s only 5-10%.

Some people have filled their friend roster but I’d say that’s only 5-10%.

Truth is, lots of people are lonely and will welcome your friendship.

Meeting people through your children is extra easy.

If someone snubs you, you probably don’t want them as a friend any way.