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InfiniteJessica t1_jd87qfu wrote

Have you thought about Raleigh/Durham? I spent five very happy years there. It’s a little oasis in North Carolina. I still think about retiring there. It’s a whole lot less expensive. But on the plus side, Newton Massachusetts has excellent senior services.


InspectorFun1699 OP t1_jd8t4yt wrote

We had kinda rolled it around in our heads, but my SO really struggles to drive in traffic to the point where I think he would possibly have a really really bad wreck. I have friends in Durham and I love to visit though. It’s so refreshing to see people under the age of 50 out and about bc it’s retiree central here! We might keep and rent out our house near the beach as a retirement option!


newestJourney t1_jdagz6z wrote

I lived in Durham for a spell and you're right, the traffic there is crazy. At least here we don't have terrible ideas like left lane merges into the fast lane of highways.