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umassmza t1_jdr00sp wrote

  1. check the town or cities website for the noise ordinances. Call at every occurrence outside of allowed hours.

  2. call town and ask for the permitting office. Tell them you believe there is unpermitted work happening and ask if they can stop by to check. There’s likely rules on the books for types of work that can be performed in a mixed use building.

If it’s a workshop, what are they making/repairing/doing? There are rules about material storage, fire prevention, all kinds of health and safety regs.

And what’s your town/city, people here can try to help direct you to the appropriate resource.


Tired-Tenant OP t1_jdr90ss wrote

Thanks! I can look into this. There have been 2 fires in different buildings next to mine that are owned by the company that owns my building. So the fire safety may be an issue.


Sheeshka49 t1_jds9yzf wrote

Your apartment might be illegal, so be prepared to move if that is the case.


umassmza t1_jdr0lrb wrote

Edit: Here is a state code that may be relevant,

302.3.2 Separated Uses. Each portion of the building shall be individually classified as to use and shall be completely separated from adjacent areas by fire barrier walls or horizontal assemblies or both having a fire-resistance rating determined in accordance with Table 302.3.2 for uses being separated.