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ProfessionallyJudgy t1_jbk9kc9 wrote

Oh, yeah, I definitely associate Utah and Montana with people who are uninhibited and experimental, and "polite" and "kind" are the first words that come to mind for Mississippi and Alabama.

Or maybe that's just my rude, sarcastic New England self coming through.


BOOMERS_BEGONE t1_jbm6l83 wrote

It’s true through, New England has a stick up it’s ass, is very bland and Puritan, and is closed off. In the liberal west, at least, they’re way more open and experimental, and uninhibited. New England people are very inhibited and self conscious people. It’s kind of funny but more just sad.


SoMuchJamImToast t1_jbm7t0a wrote

Go on out to the "liberal west" then, your piss poor attitude will not be missed here


BOOMERS_BEGONE t1_jbm804k wrote

Funny how you took it personally, it doesn’t seem like your skin is thick enough to realize how vanilla you are. Now now. It’s ok just keep your head down on the sidewalk like a good little robot, you’ll get MA ego points for it, and make sure to do de dunkkkieeeeeeesss 🥴


BillFederal6625 t1_jbk3bsk wrote

These must just be first impressions. I think you got the south aaaaaaaaaalll wrong. I started out there and moved north for love. New Englanders present as cool but once you are in, you are in forever.


KenOfEarth t1_jbk4mwv wrote

Yeah the West is... oh, uninhibited. I thought it said uninhabited.


travelinlighttoparad t1_jbn64jh wrote

Same thing. They always complain about the East Coast bias but if you compare a satellite at night map. The West Coast looks like North Korea. From the Mighty Mis to the Pacific is really a baron wasteland with no one in it.


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_jbk2bv6 wrote

New England wants nothing to do with PA, NJ and NY.


DanieXJ t1_jbk6as7 wrote

This map?

Obviously created by an asshole on the west coast who has never been past the Mts.


BlueJay_NE t1_jbkl9zw wrote

A good part of the US is angry at the Northeast for its wealth, intelligence, superior schools, being strongly Blue, for the most part, etc. I would not want to live anywhere but New England and view most of the rest of the country as hateful, fascist trash. I would have no problem with New England - with the exception of New Hampshire - leaving the US for Canada, a country we are much more akin with.


3720-To-One t1_jbkud1w wrote

I’d love for New England plus New York and PA to break off and form it’s own country.


[deleted] OP t1_jbl2tln wrote

We need a buffer of course. Pennsylvania can come if they agree to keep out all the Ohio weirdos


oscar-scout t1_jbk6ayb wrote

There is no data or even quality of any data so why make it look like there are quantitative figures behind this map. It is clearly just someone's opinion of a perception of a broad region. And if you have no data, at least make it funny.

And what does the category "smart" mean? So what this is saying is that there are no smarts across the U.S. but the Northeast has just a little?


[deleted] OP t1_jbkdrqv wrote

Just posted the source in another comment


third0burns t1_jbkbiak wrote

It literally says "mean" directly next to "kind" for the South. I think whoever put the map together needs to take another look at their inputs.


ronicamc t1_jbk9fst wrote

I'm fine with it. The whole map is inaccurate tho.


Hoosac_Love t1_jbl56q3 wrote

A bunch of silly stereotypes,don't think much of it


[deleted] OP t1_jblqf2s wrote

Where do you think the stereotype comes from?


Hoosac_Love t1_jbnedzk wrote

Older times,I don't know man ,plus I'm from an obscure part of New England and have not travelled much or seen much of the rest of the US.


Sunny_Dais t1_jbkae3k wrote

I live in Greenfield but grew up in the Berkshires. From my pov this is accurate compared to my time in Sturbridge and Brookfield.


[deleted] OP t1_jbki3xh wrote

YouGov is a British international Internet-based market research and data analytics firm, headquartered in the UK, with operations in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. In 2007, it acquired US company Polimetrix, and since December 2017 it has owned Galaxy Research, an Australian market research company.


saintwaz t1_jbljk0v wrote

This seems like someone from the south made it. It's not rude to tell it like it is to your face.


Fit_Reputation_9447 t1_jblkc40 wrote

None of those qualities apply to those red states, so bullshit.


Bla_Bla_Blanket t1_jbmd2gb wrote

Lol you must have never been to Chicago, those people got road rage with a capital R, doesn’t matter what time of day or what age. They all drive as if they’re ready to fight


ioncloud9 t1_jbo4le4 wrote

I live in the south. This chart is complete bullshit. They hide their rude, suspicious, and mean personalities under a thin veneer of politeness.


[deleted] OP t1_jbovxyq wrote

So the difference is that the New Englanders don’t hide it while Southerners do?


Downtown_Feedback665 t1_jbq3k1f wrote

I’m cool with all of it because we’re the only ones labeled as smart. That’s all.


JiggyJack t1_jbxafvi wrote

What’s it look like if you only take the data self reported for home region?