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ConwayPuder t1_jd8eo2e wrote

Mental health is the silent pandemic. This mod reportedly worked for Meta, a massive company, is probably paid very well and would fit this world's definition of successful, and yet made a very public sub showcasing their probelems as (perhaps) a therapeutic instrument. Most people's struggles are not so obvious.

I'm using this experience as a reality check. People I run across everyday are fighting battles I know nothing about. It's important to be patient, empathetic, and supportive.


caminandoennubes OP t1_jd8kmqe wrote

Agreed, it was cool to see some people trying to talk directly to the person in an empathetic tone. It didn't seem totally effective but worth the try. I ultimately didn't do this, but I thought about submitting to the truerandomthoughts sub posts like "It is OK to take a tactical retreat" or "Even people trying their best to do good things can do bad, even especially when their values are compelling and pure."


ky1e t1_jd8qf7t wrote

True random thought: A low activity subreddit doesn't need 10,000 Automod rules


majoroutage t1_jd8lpnk wrote

"The most atrocious acts of humankind were committed by people who believed they were doing something righteous."

EDIT. How did I ever forget "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."


North-East1989 t1_jdadm8o wrote

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.


SheeEttin t1_jd8mg3c wrote

He himself had posted things like that. Like "true leadership is knowing when to step aside". I don't think you would have been able to reach him, unfortunately.


majoroutage t1_jd8smps wrote

Remember, these are rules that only apply to other people.


CertainlySmurf t1_jd8zq5e wrote

He told me he liked the idea that someone, somewhere could be readings his diary-like ramblings, said that you can’t just plop a diary in someone’s lap. He seemed to get some validation from the posts being public. I tried to push him on whether he had any sort of motivation for having more people read his posts—and he kind of suggested it was possible—but shut his account down shortly after.

I think this combined with the number of subs he moderates (seems to be grabbing up available sub names that could blow up one day) and the frequency of his posts indicate someone desperately needing to be heard. The details of his personal life he was posting were wildly outlandish and taboo, I can’t help but think he’s largely slipped by with a number of unresolved and untreated problems and no apparent support system. Stress from his job (if he’s even being truthful about that) really seems to have broken him.


cimson-otter t1_jd9kean wrote

But at the same time, though their mental issues aren’t their fault, it is their responsibility.


Devon-Shire t1_jdbb9e6 wrote

> This mod reportedly worked for Meta, a massive company, is probably paid very well and would fit this world's definition of successful

That’s not really the brag he seems to think it is.

Facebook moderator is a crap job making lousy money and they’ll take pretty much anyone because of the high turnover rate. And most importantly, they don’t actually interact with actual users often, which explains a lot given the way he constantly behaved like a child.