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bionicN t1_jd83pwq wrote

lol, "rural."

some of the most NIMBY places are <10 miles from the city center, with T and commuter rail stations.

I'm in a NIMBY town, and I say build it. we can't afford not to.

it's wild to expect something a moderate bike ride away from Boston government center be called "rural."


heavyiron382 t1_jd84asr wrote

I am over 45 miles from Boston. I am in very much a rural town. We have a commuter rail station that is a 10 minute ride from my house. Other parts of the town 20 minutes to get there do to rural roads. I don't disagree that towns need to do something but it should be based on the towns wanting to not be forced to or else you lose funding. That is blackmail on the highest level.


bionicN t1_jd87yu3 wrote

then you're not in the most egregious places, like Wellesley, Newton, Needham, etc.

this isn't blackmail. the state has no obligation to give your town money - they've just attached some really reasonable strings to it.

your community has been helped by the existence of the commuter rail. asking for more moderate density (15 units per acre can be met with townhomes and 3 level multifamilies) in a tiny 50 acre parcel within a half mile of a commuter rail stop isn't going to do anything other than give some much needed places to live.

if you're 10 min (I assume drive) away, this won't even effect your neighborhood.