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brightlocks t1_jefavwk wrote

Can someone tell me how Connecticut and Rhode Island are ranking high in unintentional injuries? Is it just Woonsocket?


DMala t1_jeffjer wrote

Three of the five are New England, which is shocking. I’d expect it to be western states with lots of wide, high speed roads or ones with lots of heavy industry.


brightlocks t1_jefgio9 wrote

It might be fishing? I’m really curious!


DMala t1_jefiyls wrote

I thought that too, but I’d think the industry is too small to have a big impact overall. Plus, if that were the case you’d expect MA to be higher. Places like New Bedford and Gloucester are much bigger commercial ports than anything in CT or RI as far as I know.


brightlocks t1_jefo36l wrote

OMG I just spent 15 minutes figuring it out - it’s overdoses. I knew it was bad, but didn’t realize how bad.


DMala t1_jefpdfa wrote

Ugh, that makes sense. It’s horrible, but it makes sense.


oscar-scout t1_jegker8 wrote

Overdoses have to be a big factor in the "unintentional injuries" bucket. No one talks about it enough but CT has a series overdose pandemic going on, in particular, New Haven county. Most of these people go unnoticed or are estranged with their family so there are rarely any media stories on them. The big factor is the esplosion of fentanyl. Fentanyl is the real pandemic out there.


supercrooky t1_jefobd9 wrote

The "ranking" is dumb, it's by proportion of early deaths in the state due to accidents, rather than the more informative early death rate due to accidents.

A state can have a high percentage here due to accidents being high and other death rates being more average, or by having an average number of accidents and other death rates being low. West Virginia is the former, Connecticut is the latter.

This is pretty typical amateur hour mistake from someone making blogspam infographics.


TecumsehSherman t1_jef0nc0 wrote

I think it's time we start talking about "All others".

I've never even heard of it before, and it's just wiping people out left and right.


Sayoria t1_jeev2q2 wrote

Oh no, nearly last place in something for once? Deary me.


g_rich t1_jefad6a wrote

This is actually one time when we want to be last, another way to look at it is Massachusetts is 2nd place in states where you're likely to live the longest.


LuckyLaceyKS OP t1_jeejvoc wrote

This is based on life years lost before the age of 75 per 100,000 people. The only state that has fewer life years lost is Hawaii.



CraigInDaVille t1_jef781e wrote

"Top 5 States for Unintentional Injury Deaths:

#2 Connecticut"

I knew there was something about that place...


tomwilhelm t1_jef7f6c wrote

Damn that island paradise!


Ormsfang t1_jefeqkr wrote

We could get number 50, but I'm afraid it would require declaring war with them.

Meh, too far away... screw it.


oscar-scout t1_jeghnz6 wrote

Given who are the top "unintentional injuries" states, looks like overdose deaths are probably included in this bucket.


smokesmokesmokes t1_jeflqeq wrote

That's why I just escalated my pack a day smoking habit to two packs a day. Trying to make up for all the uptight do-gooders who think they're living forever.


DryAfternoon7779 t1_jefn6lb wrote

Mississippi has the highest obesity rate in the country. Must be a coincidence


HistoricalBridge7 t1_jefj9a1 wrote

Those NY NJ Covid % is insane when compared to other states and considering the type of individuals at higher risk.


[deleted] t1_jeeyjd3 wrote



dorkswerebiggerthen t1_jef1yt4 wrote

Maybe cuz you're not bright enough to understand statistics.


[deleted] t1_jef440x wrote



crazicus t1_jefm62w wrote

It’s ranked in ascending order based on the number of years lost per 100,000 people. #49 on that list means the 49th lowest number, or in other words, the 2nd highest number, as in 2nd most likely to die early.


bostonmacosx t1_jefcenz wrote

Cause they gotta get your money for longer...


eastwardarts t1_jefjjco wrote

Which pays for all the gun control, regulation, safety standards, healthcare, and social services that result in longer lifespans! Funny how that works.


LordOysteryn t1_jeg579d wrote

are you saying you'd prefer dying earlier if you didn't have to pay as much in taxes?


D_is_for_Doomsayer t1_jeffqwc wrote

Welp, I guess that's one way to look at it. At least if you die prematurely, you won't have to pay taxes?