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Lil_Brown_Bat t1_jcymde8 wrote

Always take a drivers' ed course. Take and pass the course once, and you will get an insurance discount for the rest of your life.


idkhow2userddt t1_jcyrr5b wrote

Most companies only offer a discounted rate for drivers Ed for the first 3 years. But it is usually worth it as the rate for those 3 years will be exponentially higher not taking drivers Ed.


Lil_Brown_Bat t1_jcyubja wrote

Still, if you switch companies a lot to chase lower rates (which you should always do), then you will get the discount consistently.


idkhow2userddt t1_jcz3eyy wrote

You actually won't. It will show on your declarations page that you have had it, but it doesn't affect your rate class. I've been an insurance agent for almost 20 years and have worked with a dozen different carriers. Unless it is an advanced drivers Ed course, like defensive driving, etc. After 3 years it really doesn't matter.


JWNAMEDME t1_jczw6xt wrote

Can I ask just how significant the rate reduction is for a new driver with vs. w/o lessons? ( ex. 18 year old driver with no lessons vs. someone with lessons?)


idkhow2userddt t1_jd4cijm wrote

Its all relative to the vehicle, town, etc. But you are probably looking at about $600-$800 (again depending on the vehicle and territory you live in it coudl be more) more without drivers ed for the first 3 years (and that is with no moving violations or accidents).