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dalebrower t1_j8to3rj wrote

Lost ya damn mind


cat_chat_gato_maau1 t1_j8ttuno wrote

There was a Reddit thread a little while back about how cold you feel outside is largely a matter of mindset, and there were people that live in Siberian-type climates saying how funny they think it is to come and see people dressing in so many layers when it’s “only” in the single digits, not even in the negatives. And then I read that being outside in the cold briefly without a heavy jacket does not make you sick, unless you are under-dressed for a truly prolonged period of time or wet in the freezing cold. So I decided to toughen up, started taking walks in 30° weather, and now I enjoy it.


dalebrower t1_j8u8qek wrote

I mean no doubt I'm a cry baby about it. I walk my dog ~2 miles every morning barring really bad wind or rain, it's just not my cup of tea. I'll take 90 and humid every day of the week over the frigid days.