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new_Australis OP t1_j80a23o wrote

I'm not sure I ask him and he doesn't say. I guess discipline might not be the right word. He says they take him to the side and say "STOP SAYING THAT, DONT SAY THAT"


ratbas t1_j80a854 wrote

Have they given him a reason or are they just harassing him?


new_Australis OP t1_j80alca wrote

He is five and when we say oh my god at home he acts like his teacher and screams DON'T SAY THAT ITS BAD WORDS. So my guess would be just that. We have told him its ok to say it at home but to try to not say it in school. But he's a kid and kids forget and make mistakes.


forrealz42 t1_j80d8ks wrote

He might be a bit too young to understand the distinction between bad words and words that aren't appropriate in certain settings. But he sounds really upset by the way they're speaking to him. I'd talk to the teacher about how they're addressing it but also maybe make an effort to not say it around him. It seems to be distressing to him that mimicking your behavior/doing something that you think is ok is getting him in trouble at school.


new_Australis OP t1_j80eoiv wrote

>He might be a bit too young to understand the distinction between bad words and words that aren't appropriate in certain settings

Yes. We have told him which words are vulgar, shit fuck, bitch etc, not told him directly but he hears it on the tv, movies, in the street and he asks about it and we tell him we do not use those words. We just never got around telling him the word god would be an issue. Mainly because I never thought it would be.


5teerPike t1_j80g2kq wrote

I don't know why you should change when it's the teacher's religious hang up that has no place in a classroom to begin with.


forrealz42 t1_j80j494 wrote

I mean, you're right, but that's just something we have to do when we have little ears in the house sometimes. And it's a good lesson to learn that sometimes words have power over other people that they don't have over us.

Personally, it's an "oh your god" situation for me, but not being a child psychologist, maybe that's just too high a concept for a 5-year-old.


[deleted] t1_j80k7o0 wrote



[deleted] t1_j81m3r6 wrote



[deleted] t1_j81mrgt wrote



[deleted] t1_j81nh8w wrote



[deleted] t1_j81ojcu wrote



[deleted] t1_j81p78g wrote



forrealz42 t1_j80fgk0 wrote

Yeah, I know. I have a really bad habit of dropping F-bombs in bad situations because it doesn't even register to me as a bad word anymore. Like, I have my own problems with bad words and inappropriately timed words and I'm way older than your kid. But I am old enough to tell people who are offended by my saying oh my god to fuck off which he is not.


forrealz42 t1_j80fxt0 wrote

Whoops! Sorry, I was a lost redditor for a moment.


funsk8mom t1_j81uiw1 wrote

At that age any good teacher would/should model back the words they’d rather hear. If they hear oh my god, a good teacher would model back, “I know! Oh my goodness, I can’t believe that!” And keep modeling it.


new_Australis OP t1_j8260xr wrote

That's a good way to change the habit. I will work on using those words instead. It's my mothers favorite phrase and she gets a giggle whenever I say it. OH MY GA its what we actually say.


cowghost t1_j8400gx wrote

Teach him to say "god damn it" instead


new_Australis OP t1_j842dcs wrote

Lol he's a little young for that.


cowghost t1_j846loe wrote

I was absolutely joking lol. Though, you could start casually using the phrase "Concarn it" around the house. Then he would start using that at school!


new_Australis OP t1_j84fevq wrote

>you could start casually using the phrase "Concarn it"

Lol first time hearing that. He's bilingual and speaks a mix of both at home. He's heard me say quite a few bad words in spanish but never repeats them.

I think he just likes the phrase and sees that we like using too.


ratbas t1_j80ctep wrote

Ehh, issue is still the teacher. But I hear you.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j8101la wrote

I'm kinda shocked that a teacher would have such terrible bedside manner, especially since I doubt your son is holding in a reaction until he gets home.


Most_Type_3980 t1_j84zbx9 wrote

I mean honestly it’s PRE-SCHOOL there shouldn’t be any disciplining at all. And the teacher shouldn’t be yelling at the kids…wtf? A good teacher would explain how those words could hurt someone’s feelings and offer alternatives. “Holy guacamole, holy cow, O.M.G, oh my goat” something silly.

DONT DO THAT really should only be yelled if there’s a safety issue.

What fucking school is this?


LemonMagazine7 t1_j87cc81 wrote

Instead of saying “don’t say that” the teacher should be giving your child an alternative to say if they’re so offended by oh my god. Saying “don’t say that!” Isn’t effective unless the teacher provides a replacement behavior/phrase they’ve rather your child say!

I absolutely don’t see your child at fault and don’t find “oh my god” offensive in the slightest!’