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the-court-house t1_j8y0y8t wrote

Hi! I'm a teacher in MA. Feel free tonreach of you have any education questions.


wickaboaggroove t1_j8yasgl wrote

I think at the very least; things will probably feel a lot closer together here; in NE in general; so probably traffic and limited daylight during fall and winter will be your limiting factors of what you’d like to do. Wherever you end up; make at least a couple of neighbor acquaintances, they may not act friendly at first, but will also probably help dig you out and help you if it decides winter is still a thing here.


the-court-house t1_j8yo6x8 wrote

There's a saying I heard about New Englanders: "we're not nice, but we're kind."


LackingUtility t1_j8ypzor wrote

>Wherever you end up; make at least a couple of neighbor acquaintances, they may not act friendly at first, but will also probably help dig you out and help you if it decides winter is still a thing here.

They won't introduce themselves to you - that would be unthinkably intrusive and rude. But if you start the conversation, they'll continue it.