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VibrantSunsets t1_j9520kt wrote

If by not doing much you mean: pays the monthly Medicare fee (what’s that, $165/month now?), covers medications, and picks up your share of the costs from appointments after medicares paid their portion, as well as providing vision/dental care and rides to medical appointments. Then sure. It does nothing.

Those onecare and senior plans also provide additional benefits, including a whole team of case managers, home care services, and non medical rides.

I’m not really sure what you mean by “isnt true insurance”. Masshealth picks up where Medicare stops. I’m not sure what your idea of having both would mean besides…one picking up where the other leaves off. Of course it’s supplemental, you can’t have two insurers paying the exact same portion of the same bill. That doesn’t mean you don’t have both insurances.


lotusblossom60 t1_j95ordf wrote

Oh, just wait, you’ll see, you’ll see. Not gonna argue my reality.


VibrantSunsets t1_j96l9w7 wrote

Just wait I’ll see? As I said, my mother has both. I manage all of that. If you don’t have both then what you’re doing is arguing our reality, not your own.

If you do have both, you should really join a managed plan and get yourself one of those case managers since you clearly don’t understand the benefits.


lotusblossom60 t1_j96oq3j wrote

Blah blah blah blah


mattgm1995 t1_j99r8nm wrote

Cmon what are you two? Someone gave you a valid suggestion to try to legitimately help you get a better hand in life and you’re being rude. Why?