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greenglasstree t1_jaamfgx wrote

I understand why some people have non-moral objections to strip clubs and legal marijuana shops. They lower the valuation of the residential housing nearby.

For example, some towns have or had in recent history a ban on liquor stores and/or fast food restaurants. There's nothing morally wrong with alcohol, marijuana, strippers, tobacco, lottery tickets, fast food, or NASCAR race tracks, but having these things in your town does bring down housing valuation, which is a problem for the upper and upper middle classes.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaamzd6 wrote

The strip club is already in the neighborhood, so any affect it had on residential housing nearby has been dealt with. Marijuana is a legal product and business, so if that somehow affects your neighborhood anymore than the 10 liquor stores do, it's a problem with the people who live in that neighborhood. In the last 3 years, while marijuana has become legal, housing prices across most of the Commonwealth have skyrocketed.


StonksGuy3000 t1_jaanop5 wrote

I agree with your the majority of your point, but the last sentence is a bit superfluous. Housing is up significantly almost everywhere in the last 3 years, whether an area recently legalized or not. Might have something to do with us just printing trillions of dollars like it’s nothing


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaao8js wrote

I'm speaking about the Commonwealth because that's where the story is from. We legalized pot, and during that same time housing prices, on the average, went up. I'm not saying they are related. I'm stating two facts.


StonksGuy3000 t1_jaaun3r wrote

Yeah, I got that. My point was that since they’re two completely unrelated points, it’s kinda weird to bring up the housing value part of it. Your post made it seem like it’s causal


Thesmratestguy t1_jaap93q wrote

It’s not much of a neighborhood. It’s out in farm country. When I was young we referred to this place as “porn in the corn”


zerotakashi t1_jaanlfk wrote

lowers housing prices and brings together laidback people? hell yeah
