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Elecrockcity t1_jackhzk wrote

Call it euthanasia please, stop using language to manipulate people.


hanner__ t1_jacmzyg wrote

Everyone knows what it is. Don’t see what’s so wrong with being able to choose to end your life if you’re going to die anyway.


Elecrockcity t1_jacvuar wrote

You’re giving the state too much power. The left has become the party of the state and it’s absolutely disgusting.


3720-To-One t1_jad15lb wrote

This is actually giving individuals more power.

Why do you hate freedom?


Elecrockcity t1_jad1m7b wrote

Permitting the state to assist in the destruction of life rather than the sustainment of it is giving power to the individual? How do you figure? I thought that we were trying to do everything in our power to save grandma from the scary Covid bug - now, grandma can kill herself at her own delusional whim just so the state can save some money on Medicare? That’s awfully kind of you to support on behalf of the state.


3720-To-One t1_jad28k0 wrote

Conservatives really struggle with the concept of consent, don’t you?

And the state wouldn’t be killing anyone.

The state would be allowing people to have agency over their own bodies.

Again, if you don’t want a euthanasia, don’t get one.

But I don’t know who you think you are that you get to force grandpa to suffer a horribly slow and agonizing death over the course of several weeks, when they’d rather just die quickly and peacefully.

But if you’re a masochist, nobody is going to take away your right to suffer.


Elecrockcity t1_jad34l8 wrote

Do you see how your argument relies on personal attack for effect? The name calling, the straw man, the appeals to emotion?

Look at you, defending the state again like a good little statist. You’re being used. And then you’re pointing at me and crying, “blasphemer! Don’t question the state - they’re granting me agency!”


[deleted] t1_jad6ftq wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad7gx0 wrote

Do you think that me calling you a statist is a personal attack?


[deleted] t1_jad7rhu wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad7xxb wrote

You mean like when you called me a masochist that supports grandpa’s suffering a tormented death?


[deleted] t1_jad8c06 wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad8l9a wrote

I didn’t argue against that point because it’s absurd. And you are correct, that was not you - my mistake.


[deleted] t1_jad98b3 wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jada3m0 wrote

Statist is not an insult any more than conservative is.


[deleted] t1_jadb9jf wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jadiags wrote

Are you implying that you know better than I my intent in using a word? I think that’s pretty absurd. If I wanted to use a pejorative, I would find one better than statist. I am simply making an observation, not an insult. You are defending state actions and assigning them moral superiority based only on the fact that the state decreed them. That is - definitionally - statism. You are an agent of the state and treat the state as an authority with moral superiority.


hanner__ t1_jad9ftu wrote

What? I’m not even “the left” lol. I’m just all about people having the freedom to make choices about their medical care. Kevorkian had the right idea.


Elecrockcity t1_jada96d wrote

So tell me - do you support medical mandates?


hanner__ t1_jadage6 wrote

I support whatever seems like it would be beneficial. So it depends on the mandate.

You realize that assisted suicide is not a medical mandate though, right?


Elecrockcity t1_jadazxc wrote

I do but you said you are “all about people having the freedom to make choices about their medical care.” I was just wondering how consistent you are in that approach. Does it extend to the public health sphere or just for euthanasia?


hanner__ t1_jadb76b wrote

What mandate did the state put out that affected anyone receiving the health care they wanted?


[deleted] t1_jadhwir wrote



hanner__ t1_jaeoiy0 wrote

Not really. Show me one person who was held down and forced to get the vaccine.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_jacy1q8 wrote

OK, I should be able to choose euthanasia for myself if I am terminal and suffering. Why should our pets get better, more humane treatment, than humans?


Elecrockcity t1_jaczz0k wrote

I believe that’s subjective. Also, that was not my argument. My argument was aimed at the manipulation of language.


[deleted] t1_jacylf1 wrote



[deleted] t1_jad15hn wrote



[deleted] t1_jad1egm wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad2n4z wrote

What about anything I said has - oh Zelenskyy. Triggered you on that one, huh? You focused on that one point and tunnel-visioned the rest like a good little cultist, it seems. You don’t see the manipulation in that? That your immediate instinct is - oh this person doesn’t think like me, must be a Russian bot because otherwise maybe I’d have to consider their point without a lens of bias provided to me by my country’s military industrial complex.

I don’t know what you mean about nuance - I’ve provided a lot of nuance in my responses and so far you’ve ignored them because you’re afraid to acknowledge them.


[deleted] t1_jad3xw4 wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad4jt8 wrote

You’re correct, a cultist can’t stand criticism of things the cult has told them to love. Slava Ukraini, indeed.


[deleted] t1_jad5xfs wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad71d1 wrote

Who are you talking to?


[deleted] t1_jad78jh wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad7s7a wrote

I just thought for a moment you’d notice that you were projecting. A cultist can’t stand criticism of things the cult has told them to love… and yet in that long response to you five responses above - the ONE thing you took from it was that I dared to invoke Zelenskyy’s name in vain… you don’t see your reaction to that as a cultist’s impulse to reject criticism of something the cult loves?


[deleted] t1_jad8723 wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jad8gfv wrote

We’re speaking a different language - do you at least acknowledge that?


[deleted] t1_jad966e wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jada001 wrote

It is indeed English. But it is a different language. It’s like a software engineer and a car mechanic trying to tell each other what’s wrong with their respective machinery. They may have the technical understanding of the problem, but lack the shared language to communicate it to the other despite their competence in ability to understand.

Which comes back to my original point - stop abiding the destruction of language. It is driving a wedge between people that would perhaps otherwise agree.


[deleted] t1_jadb2rf wrote



Elecrockcity t1_jadhq76 wrote

Once again, you’re arguing for a point I did not make. My point has nothing to do with people euthanizing themselves - it’s the effort to manipulate the language used when talking about it. This is intentional, and it is breaking the shared understanding of concepts that can only be communicated through language. In this way, we have effectively begun speaking a different language from one another. I’m being as clear and as direct as I possibly can be, and you are still likely going to assert that I expressed an idea that I did not simply because you have accepted this update to the language code and I have not.

Nice diss on the car mechanic by the way, bigot.