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srg0pdrs4 t1_j8pnlcl wrote

I don't disagree...I had 4 in elementary school doing sucked... badly. It was a major reason for me taking them out of public school if that what the adults/admins thought was right for 6-10 year olds..after a summer to think things thru...

But I don't think it sucked for all of my high school students...for some it was a whole new world that was opened.for them and they thrived...these were my highly intelligent yet socially awkward folks.

I disagree with the last point...I don't think that there is a one size fits all approach. Especially because of special education.* Social interaction is just that social, school is not the only place that happens...for some sure. And it should be in the elementary school years, exactly as you frame it. After that I think things start to vary widely. I'd argue for more social time and less guided academic time, if they're going to be 6 hours in a building...more sports, less structured learning and more opened ended project/interest based learning. I worked at Voke school and it was great that the kids had 50% time in their vocational area...I'd advocate for more of that across all schools. Apprentice programs. Help kids identify what they like not force them into boxes.

But what you have right now is that it's virtually impossible for a regular teacher without a co-teacher who specializes in Spec Ed to accommodate all students...that's where "zoom" comes in for academics, taking some kids out of the classroom for some of the time.

Just my like your autistic child would most likely benefit from less bodies in the room vying for attention one way or another. I'm speaking mostly from the perspective of a high school teacher. Elementary school i definitely feel that online learning should be supplemental not the driver.

Maybe I'm a moron...

Lots of pedagogical experts in this sub.

Edit: wanted to clarify...
