Submitted by silverAndroid t3_109aqku in jerseycity

I'm thinking of applying to one of the luxury apartments on Jordan Avenue. It's well within my price range and I like the building.

My concern is (especially now that it's winter) coming back from work after the sun has set. The up and coming state of the area is not something I'm used to

  1. It's a 15 minute walk from the path, will I run into any issues at night?
  2. Are there any places I should avoid when walking from the path station at night?


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jersey-city-park t1_j3x5zyc wrote

Personally wouldn’t want my GF walking alone at night in that neighborhood


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j3x9hfp wrote

Several alligators have been spotted in the area, and some sidewalks are heavily landmined. It's not a very safe area for humans to inhabit.


pmax2 t1_j3xaoi7 wrote

It's fine. You should always be aware of your surrondings but I've lived in the area for over 20 years and you are far, far likelier to be harmed by a loved one than a stranger. Use some common sense and you will be fine.


Dismal_Estate_4612 t1_j3xbuu9 wrote

Both me and my gf have been making that walk at night for some time now and no problems - particularly coming home from work, there's generally always a decent amount of people around + tons of PA cops at Journal Square (for whatever that's worth). Very late at night it can get a bit empty on weeknights, but there's virtually always cabs/Uber available if you're feeling sketched (keep cash for cabs since it's a short ride).


NoNotTuesday t1_j3xbxue wrote

Its fine enough, I've been making that same walk pretty late at night and its pretty quiet. Stay aware of your surroundings and you'll be fine.


less_drama_guy t1_j3xf0u1 wrote

It should be fine for most of the time until it may not. One night I was walking to Duncan avenue at McGinley square from the path around 12ish in the night. I was stopped by 5 heavily built and drunk dudes who asked me for money. I got super tense and gave them whatever I had.

I don't think I was mugged but definitely looked like they'd have hurt me if I didn't give them money. This was 5 years ago btw. Not sure how the area is currently. I vacated from that area within a few weeks.


ZootheGod t1_j3xnsxp wrote

Take Bergen all the way towards the armory , there’s always some people walking towards that way


ceeyell t1_j3y6efz wrote

I’m a woman who has lived near this exact area (between 55 Jordan and the PATH) for a few years now, it’s overall very quiet and there’s really not much to worry about beyond occasional typical city nighttime shadiness, and that’s really not until very late at night. The area is rapidly coming up and there are a few pretty nice restaurants that have opened up there now (Cafe Alyce, ITA, some others). It won’t phase you if you’re moving from Brooklyn or Philly, it might feel a little edgier if you’re moving from a suburb. But overall, I feel very safe here 95% of the time. It’s a very residential area outside/around Bergen & Montgomery. Hope you find this helpful!


Laraujo31 t1_j419lrp wrote

That area has gotten a lot better over the years. If your walking home from the path after work (6-8 PM) you should be ok since there are a lot of people walking around at that time. There is also a college down the block. If you are really concerned about your safety (or don't feel like walking) you can always catch a bus from JSQ. I would not recommend walking alone late at night, but that goes for most cities.


FinalIntern8888 t1_j41s0zt wrote

I walk home through there at all sorts of ungodly hours. It’s fine. Seems silly to pay top-dollar to be in a luxury building there though, there isn’t much to do. Why not go downtown


bonestopick11 t1_j49x93h wrote

It ain’t bad, but it ain’t great either. I def would consider something closer JSQ path or downtown/Hoboken if that’s a concern of yours.


SnooCupcakes4525 t1_j4ekqwb wrote

Female here- I personally think it’s safe. Have walked that area alone past midnight sometimes and have not had any incidents.