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cC2Panda t1_j6521w5 wrote

We're not arguing whether or not she did the right thing after the fact. She had a second or two at the most to react from the time he appeared from behind the parked cars on the street. I don't think many civil juries would say that given the circumstances that she was at fault for the accident.


kulgan t1_j6537ce wrote

She had closer to 3 seconds if I recall correctly. That's enough time to get your foot off the gas and onto the brake, even if it's not enough time to stop. She did none of those things.


cC2Panda t1_j656uzz wrote

You can watch the video it's not 3 seconds, regardless in NYC(the nearest I can find actual stats for) less than a third of drivers in fatal accidents with cyclists/pedestrians are even charged let alone convicted of anything. Our society has decided the privileges of incompetent drivers supercede the lives of pedestrians and cyclists. I seriously doubt the cyclist will convince a jury to award him anything.


kulgan t1_j658jj6 wrote

Well, yeah, as a society we've decided that if you get on a bicycle you're sub-human.
