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bodhipooh t1_j3ixp8y wrote

So, 77 Hudson, and you are referring to the "NO PARKING ANY TIME - Except vehicles loading and unloading" signs. I would say you could/should fight it, but do understand there is a 50/50 chance it doesn't get dismissed. If that happens, you could be assessed court fees on top of the fine, so you have to consider that. Potential upside, you can fight the ticket via the new online dispute system that doesn't require you show up for court at all. You enter the information, plead not guilty, present your facts, and wait for someone to evaluate and decide. I successfully a fought a similar ticket a few months back. I parked outside my building to unload some groceries and by the time I came back 10-15 minutes later (I got delayed warming up lunch for my kid) I had gotten a ticket. Much to my surprise, the judge was sympathetic and dismissed my ticket via the online dispute system.