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Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5blcu3 wrote

Exhibit A of terrible teaching right here^ I am sorry the education system failed you.


SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bqet3 wrote

Your the absolute dumbass that thinks white collar workers add more value to society than teachers and teachers are supposed to supplement a spouse's pay. Lmaooo what kind fucking moron even thinks something like that let alone typing it out?


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5bs7kp wrote

Someone needs a reality check. Again, sorry your English teacher did a poor job of teaching you how to express yourself when you disagree without resorting to curse words. Teachers have never been paid “well”. If someone wants to live comfortably on a teachers income, they need to change jobs, get a second job or marry well. There are a lot of foreigners who would love to take these teaching jobs as “low” as they pay and wouldn’t complain either.