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pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j5am4qj wrote

That’s half the story.

The other half is post pandemic conditions making teachers quit. Especially young ones. So the only option is increasing pay until enough people think it’s worth it.

Or get some court to agree to the insane idea that people with teacher’s certification can be legally compelled to serve. I don’t see that happening in NJ.

This is the next crisis. Way too many teachers left right now in the state are a couple years from retirement and that’s what’s keeping them. Many of the younger ones are revolving door teachers because some scholarships made it worth it, but even that’s been less and less.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5azgp8 wrote

Sounds like parents should move to counties with good school systems. I hear Montclair is good.


Jahooodie t1_j5b3jnm wrote

The teacher shortage is nation wide, and in all the suburbs.

More than a few districts are starting brand new teachers currently at the the equivalent pay grade step, that teachers who started 4 or 5 years ago are at now. (For the most part this is public as public employees).

Other factor not mentioned is the polarization of politics around masks, and hard right wing groups organizing to start shit over basically anything they can. A friend got heated calls left at the school board over how they need to be fired over delivering the state mandated curriculum presentation that people being different & diverse is okay, or that handing out a mask to a kid will turn them gay because everyone knows they are treated with chemicals. Don’t blame anyone wanting to ditch out from that sorta noise happening on the regular


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5b3ydx wrote

Hmm, sounds like we need to bring in some immigrant teachers to fill that need.


SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bgn3o wrote

Did you even read his post? Maybe we could, idk, defund the police instead of shitting on teachers, who actually provide value to a society.


Jahooodie t1_j5b4dvt wrote

Let’s just keep doing H1B’s until we all get to stay at home, what could go wrong?


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5b53vw wrote

The kids would probably be better educated and more disciplined with foreign teachers anyway. In the good old days, a teacher’s pay wasn’t meant to be competitive with white collar pay. The pay was meant to supplement a spouse’s white collar pay.


SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bgtwz wrote

You are an absolute fucking clown.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5blcu3 wrote

Exhibit A of terrible teaching right here^ I am sorry the education system failed you.


SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bqet3 wrote

Your the absolute dumbass that thinks white collar workers add more value to society than teachers and teachers are supposed to supplement a spouse's pay. Lmaooo what kind fucking moron even thinks something like that let alone typing it out?


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5bs7kp wrote

Someone needs a reality check. Again, sorry your English teacher did a poor job of teaching you how to express yourself when you disagree without resorting to curse words. Teachers have never been paid “well”. If someone wants to live comfortably on a teachers income, they need to change jobs, get a second job or marry well. There are a lot of foreigners who would love to take these teaching jobs as “low” as they pay and wouldn’t complain either.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j5bywtr wrote

It's a nationwide shortage, but there's definitely hotspots. If you're entering teaching you've got your pick of districts. You can pick the nicer towns, better cost of living, better equipped schools.

This is going to be a big cost for JC in the near-ish future as current teachers age out and replacements get harder to find. You're going to have a hard time getting teachers to stay here when everyone else is offering more money to work in newer buildings with better supplies and lower cost of living. Teach in other parts of the state and you'll have a much better classroom, go home to a better place, and at the end of the month have more in your bank account.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5ccjj3 wrote

It doesn’t have to be a big cost. Bring in qualified teachers from abroad. Bonus: less woke indoctrination.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j5cg5lr wrote

So you’re being out loud with the “if they’re not white paying them less is ok”.

At least Republicans try and keep that racist crap on the DL sometimes.


mikevago t1_j5fvgeb wrote

Word to the wise, anyone who's frothing at the mouth about "woke indoctrination" is not someone who's worth engaging with.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5ci8wy wrote

The only color I see is green. This is what the employment immigration system was created for… to fill job shortages. Jersey City school teachers are already paid better than 85% of other teachers in NJ. There are a lot of foreigners who would love to make that money instead of complaining they need more money and holding property owners hostage.

Another plus is that the foreigners on visas would probably live within the city limits and add to the economy. Sounds like a win win to me.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j5cjuuj wrote

Nobody’s being held hostage. Everyone who lives here is what made it expensive to live here. Your not a hostage when you’re holding the gun.

Your just a racist asshole looking for any reason to exploit immigrants to reduce your taxes. Which I’ll point out are low for relative to distance of a large metro area on this planet. Virtually every major city has a higher total tax burden.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j5cl1y9 wrote

I love immigrants. In particular, I like immigrants who come here on work visas. That means they have a skill the US needs. 41.7% of Jersey city’s population is foreign born. Studies show that if you have a teacher that has a similar background to the child, the child tends to have better educational outcomes. I want these children to have better educational outcomes at an affordable price.