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iamnowundercover t1_j58ov0n wrote

Are there any organizations that raise awareness against the reckless JCBOE spending? It’s ridiculous that these people don’t get voted out with how much they inconvenience tax payers. Think of how expensive property is in this city and the city takes a percentage of all those super inflated property values and somehow still manages to say it’s not enough year after year.


moonlitway OP t1_j58vxs1 wrote

yea it baffles me how much power the JCBOE has and their complete lack of accountability.


G_Funk_Error t1_j59gl68 wrote

Yes there are groups that warn the citizens but no one listens. They/we are called “haters”. But they/we had predicted this for more than a decade.


Jahooodie t1_j5a9t3q wrote

I got downvotes and claims saying I didn’t care about the children.

I do care about the children, we spend far too much to have this bad of outcomes with such little oversight. Controversial I know


moonlitway OP t1_j5ap7dr wrote

I feel you. I value education too but the results are so poor after this much spending. Demanding accountability and transparency on how the money is spent is a very fair ask.


G_Funk_Error t1_j5ak53v wrote

The gall you have to demand we spend smartly! I’m aghast!!!


Jahooodie t1_j5b1rm9 wrote

Hey this is Hudson county after all, maybe I just need to adjust to the local culture better. How long until I get to double dip pensions with no show consultant jobs?


jersey385 t1_j5bomf0 wrote

They are volunteers who are out of their depth with close to a $1 billion budget. That’s just a fact. Everyone shits on them but they have have no business being in the position they are in. They have no way to to know where the corruption is or how to fix it. They are not financial experts but are expected to be. The system is BIZARRE.