Submitted by AryehCW t3_zwrfzw in jerseycity

There are about eight acres of land directly next to the LSP light rail stop and a turnpike on-ramp that are being used for a surface parking lot that is usually half full at best. This should be a prime development location, with the proceeds (assuming the lot is owned by NJ Transit) going to improving rail and bus service in Jersey City.

What am I missing?



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objectimpermanence t1_j1wwuvp wrote

The property is definitely owned by NJ Transit. They also own a few adjacent parcels.

In fact, they are seeking proposals from developers to do mixed use, transit-oriented development in this area and on other NJTransit properties.

The agency has recently begun to look for ways to monetize its property holdings to help fill holes in their budget.

More info here.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j1x0nvj wrote

It's not so much NJ Transit looking to firesale property holdings, it's NJ's republican lawmakers "starving the beast" to make it sell property at bargain prices to their developer friends.

Lets not mask what's going on. Developers who donated to a certain party are getting favors.


AryehCW OP t1_j1yv6jm wrote

Would you rather have a giant, half-used surface parking lot or some buildings with apartments and stores if the latter means some rich connected assholes get richer?


Ilanaspax t1_j1zc462 wrote



electrobruv t1_j1zomeo wrote

Those that downvoted are just mad they are not a rich connected asshole. I for one wish I was a rich connected asshole


the_new_scientist t1_j1wwn93 wrote

Leave it alone.


AryehCW OP t1_j1yv8fc wrote

Do you have fond memories of parking in this lot when you were a child?


AugustWest7120 t1_j1wcgym wrote

Perfect for a lux high-rise. We need a few more!


FloatingWeight t1_j1wh2hj wrote

Don’t be scared of apartments, they can’t hurt you, even the big tall scary ones


the_new_scientist t1_j1xdfsg wrote

Are the existing high rises even at half capacity?


Riflerecon t1_j20uiva wrote

Numbers on virtually everywhere suggest your opinion is far from the truth


AryehCW OP t1_j1wj9iy wrote

A 22-story high-rise is about to top out across Johnson Ave from the lot, directly next to the highway! They expect people to want to look out their windows and make eye contact with commuters.


certifiedforgedcheck t1_j1x9i8g wrote

It makes sense in terms of TOD. Would be great to redevelop as mixed use with a park.


Wildwilly54 t1_j2057in wrote

0% chance a park gets put there. Liberty state park (the biggest in the city)is across the highway and Lafayette/ berry are only a few blocks the other way


certifiedforgedcheck t1_j21pc7m wrote

That is true. My thought I guess was more like a promenade, or some type of centralized outdoor space for people to gather. IMO that whole area should be a destination, a place to get food, go out to bars, live, work, shop, etc… Just more of a focus on mixed use, and not just residential would be cool.


AryehCW OP t1_j23qm62 wrote

It's crazy that there's nowhere to get food or a beverage right there. Even a NYC-style newsstand would do good business!


MarketMan123 t1_j213hzl wrote

I almost moved over there last year thinking it was a neighborhood ripe for redevelopment. The problem is for my wife at least the commute time was twice as long as it would be in central queens (she worked in the east village at the time) and comparable to Journal Square, but with an extra transfer.

The only way the area makes sense is if you work in Lower Manhattan or downtown JC. Or if the area becomes a destination of its own, which I know there were/are efforts to make it into.

(Then there is the issue of the JC public school system vs the NYC one. But thats a whole other can of worms)


AryehCW OP t1_j218ngo wrote

Lots of people work from home these days!


MarketMan123 t1_j21ekt1 wrote

I know, I'm one of them :-)

The only reasons to stay in the greater NYC/JC area if you work from home are family or because you enjoy the community, culture, etc. So, unless your family is there, what would be the point in living somewhere like that which is relatively expensive and inconvenient?

If you are going to move over there and work from home, you might as well move to suburbia, if not even further away from this metropolis with its very high cost of living.

TL;DR the area might be a worthwhile investment because it has future potential, but living there at the moment has very little going for it.


AryehCW OP t1_j23quj0 wrote

City life is not for everyone. And finding an apartment in the suburbs is not easy either, as most of it is zoned for single-family housing.


MarieSkiis t1_j1wxeiq wrote

1-800-Silverman's...are you listening???


kczar18 t1_j1z5sbo wrote

Can easily put up some mixed use properties with parking decks on the first few floors. Incorporate some open space / park areas, playgrounds for kids and some dog runs. Seems like a great idea to add more life to the area. I’m with you OP.


boojieboy666 t1_j1zguqx wrote

It’s literally better off a parking lot than another gross looking building. Literally anything else is better than more multi unit housing.


AryehCW OP t1_j20celm wrote

Yeah, it's awful when people have a place to live. I look at it and tears form in my eyes...


Ilanaspax t1_j20vwsr wrote

So selfless of you to be this concerned about people who can afford 3-4K a month in rent finding a place to live 🥹


AryehCW OP t1_j218hrc wrote

And so selfless of you to mourn the piles of road salt, the empty takeout containers, etc., that would be lost if they redeveloped the massive parking lot.