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doglywolf t1_j25tkro wrote

ITs criminal but its par for the course with these things. Some brother in law /cousin / buddy of someone that makes these decisions got rich and kicked back a huge check to a politician that approved the needlessly high budget for it. It so heavy it needs to be reset every year to level it as well.

The is a marble yard in PA with the same looking material for 1/20 the cost of the import

It cost almost 100,000 a year in maintenance that's in addition to the accident maintenance needed form leaks and construction in the area .


That also doesn't account for the teams of 6 people working 8 hour shifts JUST to maintain the floor daily 24/7 . Because of how much extra work it takes to keep those floors looking good over high traffic version that more scuff resistant.


That 18 - 30 people counting weekend staff on salary JUST to maintain the floor. If its not it can actually stain if they let the coating wear down that would need an acid wash to restore the color before reapplying the wax.

It just not a material made for the volume for foot traffic it has.


Over $350 a square foot to fix as well.

They could still probably replace it with high traffic composite marble that would look almost EXACTLY the same or even straight industrial poly plates with marble façade and no one but them would know the difference and end up saving money in the long run.

But no has to be certified imported Italian marble for some reason.