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Especiallymoist t1_j02u7av wrote

I always around the final amount to end in $-.69. That way, I know it was me ;)


imaluckyduckie t1_j02x1yj wrote

I can understand a server might want to add a few $'s to the tab, but who is going through the trouble of changing the cents portion of the bill?


Rube777 t1_j043yvf wrote

Wut? But you would have no idea if they added $1, or $5 or $10 to the tip amount…. Your final total would still end with 69 cents…. Otherwise, genius idea!


imaluckyduckie t1_j07b8t1 wrote

Best way to do it would be to build in a checksum. Every digit in the final amount after tip should add up to a number only known to you. We'll use 25 as an example. If you get a $80 bill, with a 20% tip, you'd be at $96. 9+6 = 15, so you can round up $0.19 so that your total is $96.19. 9+6+1+9 = 25, your secret checksum.

What if you don't want to tip an extra few cents every time? well you could also round down $0.08 to 95.92 in our example. 9+5+9+2 = 25.

Problem solved (and needlessly over-complicated)


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j02zhii wrote

They can just increase the whole dollar amount which is probably more likely anyway


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j0569ex wrote

A better approach is a easily verifiable rule:

I've seen a bunch of approaches but the one that always come to mind first is: cents always match dollar amount of total including tax+tip.

So if your bill is $50, and you leave a $10 tip, $60.60 is the total. Then on your credit card statement anything food related is always $xx.xx or $yy.yy. If > $100, then the last two digits of the dollar amount.

If they change the dollar or cent amounts, you'll know.