Submitted by seaawhisperer t3_zkx7zj in jerseycity

hi! wondering if anyone else has dealt with getting a court summons for a path fare evasion ticket in jersey city before? dealing with right now and would be immensely grateful for some advice. this is the first ticket i've gotten for anything in my life and it was a stupid mistake and i would take it back if i could, but alas we are here and it'd be great to speak to someone who has or is currently going through this. thank you



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AWarTimeConsigliere t1_j02aokg wrote

Not going to sugarcoat this for you so I’ll just come out and say it…You’re likely going to jail. Now, when you get in there you’re going to have to make a statement to the rest of the people in there, so I want you to find the biggest, baddest guy in the room and knock him out. This will assert your dominance.

If you’re not a fighter then lay low and use your body as currency. You can become someone’s GF and they will protect you.

God speed. We’ll see you when you get out.


Positive_Debate7048 t1_j029q14 wrote

Don’t waste your money on a lawyer. What’s going to happen is you’re going to plea guilty and apologize and promise not to do it again, the judge may or may not take you over the coals for a bit depending on their mood, and then you will have to pay a small fine, like 100 dollars or something. Whole thing should take like half an hour.


davidswelt t1_j06huxh wrote

The $100 is nothing, but if it doesn’t get dismissed, will it not show up on OP’s criminal record? Avoiding that would totally be worth a lawyer in my book …


Positive_Debate7048 t1_j06lpc9 wrote

Not to my knowledge, plus something minor this really shouldn’t matter in the long run.


HobokenJ t1_j057m0v wrote

What? No! The OP should DEFINETLY get a lawyer! And remember: You get what you pay for! Don't just hire the ambulance chaser with the lowest hourly. You should be looking for $500/hr+


AWarTimeConsigliere t1_j05ets1 wrote

You’re a fellow lawyer huh?


HobokenJ t1_j070a0a wrote

Nope, but the OP could be facing serious, serious consequences and should exhaust all resources to avoid said consequences!


AWarTimeConsigliere t1_j07146s wrote

Agree completely. Can’t risk saying the wrong thing in front of the judge and getting thrown in prison for 20 years.


GioDesa t1_j02m8ty wrote

Better get a rock hammer and a poster of Rita Hayworth. You goin to Shawshank


kushNation141 t1_j026uf1 wrote



seaawhisperer OP t1_j027ki6 wrote

it was stupid, i know. but im just anxious and have never been through anything like this before and wanted to get some advice


alcappuccinoh t1_j02quvm wrote

“I was stupid”, more like - I got caught. The path doesn’t even have emergency exit doors which means you probably jumped over the turnstile knowing what you were doing


Hot-Ad2515 t1_j031hrt wrote

Don't bother. Back in the day I pissed in public and got caught. It was a $75 piss. I went and pleaded guilty. Paid the fine. And got made fun of by friends and family. Done.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j028kha wrote

Use some of the money you saved and reach out to the bar association and find a lawyer who will answer your questions.


Jahooodie t1_j02954t wrote

It's like $50 to get 3 recommendations from the Hudson County Bar last I checked, seemed too much without even checking if they have capacity to take a case first. Google & reviews can work too if money's tight


foot-trail t1_j02387o wrote

Call the court and ask to pay it online, it works.


seaawhisperer OP t1_j024vk5 wrote

i did call yesterday and they said id have to show up in court, plead guilty, and then the payment will be made available online. But i'll try calling again, thanks!


MelGz03 t1_j028mui wrote

Dude your fine, show up be respectful plead guilty pay the fine. This is literally nothing to be anxious over. Stop jumping the turnstile or pay more attention to your surroundings before you do so.


mickyrow42 t1_j02727n wrote

....what's that like, $100?


seaawhisperer OP t1_j027dwn wrote

i think! i dont mind paying the fine i just want to know more about the court process and everything.


mickyrow42 t1_j028osy wrote

ah. yea, it's so far from as serious as you're expecting. judge will barely give a shit, you'll talk to them for like 15 seconds good chance you'll get it dismissed, but you'll pay court fees that are like half that $100 anyways. weird they saying you have to show up tho. def confirm the online payment issue.


MailenJokerbell t1_j04gomr wrote

It costs 2.75 dollars to not make that mistake.


bur4321 t1_j056wtc wrote

Doesn’t answer the question mr perfect lol


chipandalezz t1_j02xv9o wrote

At which station were you caught?


gorillaInR t1_j02menf wrote

Op, at which station did you get caught?


Miringanes t1_j02s0ii wrote

I knew a guy who went to court for fare evasion.

I knew him…


datatadata t1_j02tt2c wrote

I think you would have to go to court, plead guilty and pay the fine. There is no other way. Depending on the charge, this may or may not show up on your record (perhaps as civil offense/violation, definitely not a crime).


fastAFguy t1_j02v7w8 wrote

Sorry to have this happen to you man. In a perfect world, PATH, and all public transit for that matter, should be free.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j062mdo wrote

Advice: don't evade fare. Pay it.

And pay your ticket.


throwaway89_89_aita t1_j02g47o wrote

Just go to court, pay the fees and be done! That’s all! You don’t have to speak in court and all. You can’t do it online.


Vegetable_River t1_j07yu6b wrote

All they want is their money. If they ask make up an excuse. I had to go to work but my paycheck was late cuz I'm new.....etc. whatever.


PrincipleOfMoments t1_j02m53s wrote

You will receive a notice (if you haven't already) providing instructions on how to sign up to get the Zoom link. When you do that, you will be instructed to watch a YouTube video explaining the virtual Municipal Court process.


Hot-Ad2515 t1_j031rj7 wrote

This dude is definitely getting 3 months behind bars. You better learn how to throw those hands or its going to be a loooong 3 months.


Vegetable_River t1_j07yaig wrote

There should be instructions on how to pay the ticket. Just pay the ticket. I dont even think you need to show up- not if you are pleading guilty. I was caught on the light rail once.


seaawhisperer OP t1_j07ylb5 wrote

i have to show up in court unfortunately, at least it’s virtual but yes I’ll be paying the ticket


dorkishj t1_j0b4h9w wrote

You'll have to pay 100 bucks for trying to get a $2.75 fair for free


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j02azgn wrote

Last time I saw Carl he had just said something similar... that was 5 years ago.

You're probably going to prison for a long time.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j02px2u wrote

Can you send the zoom link so we can share your hearing online? This needs to be a warning for other people who evade paying the fare.


FollowMeKids t1_j02qzv5 wrote

Might as well skip the court hearing, too. Thug life.


HobokenJ t1_j03t1c4 wrote

Totally agree. The baller move here is to not show up for court. F the man! And be sure to post about it on insta of tiktok or whatever