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FloatingWeight t1_izfv5la wrote

Dumb take, all costs get passed to consumers eventually. Or they close. Or security gets super annoying for regular customers


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_izfwrv8 wrote

Yup. Insurance for retail has been through the roof. Those costs are part of the consumer inflation we’re seeing.

Makes online only businesses look more and more attractive.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_izfzfhc wrote

This is the dumbest bullshit I've heard on this topic in possibly ever. Current prices are rising nearly solely on corporate greed and insurance companies are no different.

If it weren't, then their profits wouldn't be rising. Companies are taking advantage of any and every possible excuse to bilk people and anyone parroting their bullshit is a corporate bootlicker.


Yolo_420_69 t1_izh0owi wrote

The ultimate cost is Wawa in Philadelphia. Straight up leaving the city due to he crime


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_izfyr4q wrote

Go talk to me about the 17 million dollars in wage theft and employee misclassification lawsuits that best buy's lost and fuck off about 20 grand in product theft.


Ask-Downtown t1_izg0qpg wrote

Theft is wrong. Is it that hard to understand?


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_izhjk42 wrote

That's an infantile thought process you've got. Steal from gigantic national retail outlets, they 100% deserve it
