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suztomo t1_j1lmusu wrote

Bayonne is worse, isn’t it?


WarrenBuffetsDriver t1_j1ltmwd wrote

My fav spots are the random sharp pipes sticking out from the ground.


Hipster-Stalin t1_j1mb7t0 wrote

Had to pick someone up at Newark Penn a few weeks back and the roads between JC and Newark and in Newark were soooo bad. No painted lines and tons of pot holes and sunken manhole covers


bindrosis t1_j1mbun8 wrote

Is this sarcastic? I haven’t noticed anything. What area are you talking about?


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_j1n4oe1 wrote

On another note that intersection to turn into Costco from goldsborough drive is such a nightmare. Last month? There was a three car accident right in the middle of it. I wonder if it’s worth it to email the Bayonne mayor/whoever about putting a light there or at least making it an all way stop.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j1n6gvr wrote

Was just driving on Vermont in the mountains and the roads are soo much better


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j1qxylu wrote

Yea there’s very little traffic.

Does traffic destroy the streets? I assumed it was more the weather. It would seem that we should by now have the capability to create roads that withstand cars! Lol like just build something that is designed to actually function as it should.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j1r1eer wrote

Its far more heavy trucks than cars that destroy streets, and we got plenty of them. Its why parkways require much less maintenance than highways. Weather plays into it, as water seeps into cracks created by trucks and freezes, but it needs those cracks.