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fuzedz t1_ixuhfwe wrote

Sad as it is mightve just been hungry


wewillrage t1_ixuk783 wrote

There’s other ways to get food rather than stealing. He could dance on the train, open doors at Duane Reade or simply do as other humans do and shop at Shoprite.




RollinRibs25 t1_ixum929 wrote

The only person with empathy on this entire thread


Starman926 t1_ixut1iv wrote

Where was his empathy for the father and his daughter?

If it was your package and groceries he was stealing, would you just roll over and let him take it?

If he’s stealing packages along with food, I’m not inclined to believe he’s secretly a gentle soul, desperately trying to survive, while also harboring a deep guilt over his actions.

And even if he WAS, he’s still hurting other people, and that makes him a POS. Plenty of people manage to get by without victimizing innocents. This is not some Robin Hood-adjacent stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He’s just taking shit. It’s not okay.