Submitted by frankenberrysgrrl t3_yq4uym in jerseycity

I moved here earlier this year from NY. Today, of course, was my first time voting in this great state. My polling place didn’t offer any “I Voted” stickers or any post-voting goodies. I’m curious, is this something that doesn’t happen throughout JC - or even the state - or was it just that my polling place was out of voting goodies? TIA!



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readknitfreakout t1_ivmlfqq wrote

I didn’t see any when I went. =( but I remember getting one back in 2016.


xxteargodxx t1_ivmm8zh wrote

I didn't get one this morning when I voted.


Knobbies4Ever t1_ivmopmb wrote

I got one today at my polling place in Ward B - yay!

Over the years in my precinct it's been hit-or-miss with the stickers, but top-notch with efficiency & getting the job done. Big thanks to all the poll workers who help make it happen.


munsuro t1_ivmtuei wrote

I didn't get one


JerseyCity_Nuyorican t1_ivmxtwg wrote

My polling place was handing out stickers. Maybe the place you went to ran out of stickers before you got there.


whybother5000 t1_ivn0osh wrote

I got one from city hall. If you don’t get a sticker your vote doesn’t count. Pretty sure that’s the law according to the internet where you can’t put bad information. Against the law or something.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ivnd0id wrote

Where did you vote, if you don't mind me asking. We are supposed to get them, and I usually do, but today, my place didn't give me any either!


fxg7942 t1_ivndq76 wrote

Ward c - no sticker.


frankenberrysgrrl OP t1_ivocuft wrote

I thought that at first because I usually vote first thing in the morning, but then they didn’t say anything like “sorry we don’t have a sticker, we ran out” so it made me wonder whether there were any in the first place.


bodhipooh t1_ivofda8 wrote

This is Jersey City / Hudson County; voter apathy is the foundation of our local politics. As such, anything that fosters engagement and participation is verboten or discouraged. Get used to it.


HolyShonks t1_ivoq5ka wrote

Ward B, prev Ward A. I've never gotten a sticker but i did get an "I voted" stylus at the PS 17 polling place


Jahooodie t1_ivorybo wrote

I got the cheap stylus, would rather a sticker.

Yes I'm a full grow adult mildly disappointed over not getting a sticker, I don't know what's wrong with me or the world either.


souperred t1_ivpb95w wrote

I've been voting in JC for over 12 years and never got a sticker until we voted early at Pershing Field last weekend. I took the I Voted stylus last year.


dude_jc_00 t1_ivpeetr wrote

I got one when I voted early on Friday @ Pershing Field


zjuka t1_ivqe8a4 wrote

Ward D - no sticker :(


AccomplishedAd8766 t1_ivrs6s7 wrote

I voted at PS5 and I got an “I Voted” sticker back in May when we had some primaries but did not this time around.

FWIW it seemed far more disorganized and less supplied this time around - no signage and displays, no clear queuing system, difficulty setting up (my polling place opened 30 minutes late on Election Day).