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abby2207 OP t1_islo8g8 wrote

Reply to comment by poppy_92 in apartment in Jorunal Squared by abby2207

actually looks very decent, do you mind sharing who should I get in touch with for this apt. ? any direct property manager on site you started your lease with?


poppy_92 t1_isloiaa wrote

It's a condo building - so it's likely the person listing is either the owner or a current tenant (and so would contact them). I got my place via a broker listing as the owner is out of the country.


abby2207 OP t1_islpbxo wrote

so there is a broker fee?


poppy_92 t1_ismcxrw wrote

It depends - it's a condo building - each apartment owner can decide how they want to advertise or whether they want to use a broker (in which case you'd have a broker fee)