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moobycow t1_itbiel7 wrote

Basically, in this area, don't get sprayed by a skunk and don't touch poison ivy. Neither are really going to do you much damage, but they will ruin your week. Other than that, do tick checks if you've been out in the woods or a grassy area because the little bastards can give you lyme disease.

Oh, and don't pet the rats.

We have rattlesnakes and black widow spiders, but you are not going to see a rattlesnake in JC (and honestly, other than rock climbers, I don't know anyone who has had an issue).

You could theoretically find a black widow, but they are pretty obvious and also uncommon.


adenp OP t1_itblneb wrote

Thanks a lot just googled black widow spider to see how they look. I will be wary of them. Skunks are the ones that spray very nasty liquid on you right? I thought skunks were exotic animals that lived in the amazon forest or something. I was pretty surprised to find one eating my trash the other day lol.


moobycow t1_itblxvx wrote

Ha. Skunks are all over the place around here, but they are also pretty docile and friendly, just don't startle one or try to chase them away.


adenp OP t1_itbm768 wrote

Oh awesome they are cute though. Are there raccoons here? I have always wanted to see one as I have seen them in many American movies or TV shows living in dumpsters.


moobycow t1_itbmiu9 wrote

Yup, lots of raccoons as well. They are also super cute, really smart and have thumbs so they pretty much get in wherever they like. They are mostly out in the early to mid evening.

Also mostly chill, but if you see one acting strange or aggressive or out during the day, report that and stay away because it might have rabies.


Nope- t1_itbvo8i wrote

Deer ticks can potentially carry Lyme Disease, which you definitely don’t want to get. Be careful around tall grass, and check yourself/your pets if you spend time out in nature, in JC especially around Liberty State Park (and generally any wilderness in the northeast). Most prevalent around springtime


ScumbagMacbeth t1_itbwm1z wrote

Tall grass can have chiggers (extremely painful/itchy bites) or ticks (you can get Lyme disease). Neither are common in cities but they can be found. Best to avoid overgrown areas if you're wearing shorts.


lucidrevolution t1_itcdczo wrote

Be mindful of raccoons and skunks. They live all around esp. in the heights, as there is a sheer cliffside that's mostly overgrown with trees and shrubs that is quite accessible for animals and a bunch of train tracks running through these elevated areas, giving these animals lots of places to live and thrive without much chance of humans. Both are potential rabies vectors and have been known to get a bit defensive if they are really hungry or trying to feed babies.

We had to let a raccoon figure itself out a few weeks ago since it was in front our house and wouldn't leave when we opened the gate, and we didn't want to risk some kind of altercation. The raccoon moved along after realizing there was nothing to forage in our front yard, but it's something to be mindful of if you have a lot shadowy/dark areas or alleys where you will deposit trash, etc. Racoons are very cute but unfortunately not friendly, and they are smart and will come back if they think you'll be leaving something out for them.

We also have a wonderful spotted lanternfly problem but that's basically nightmare during their active seasons so welcome to Lanternfly Town. please kill mercilessly if you see them in the spring.

Poison ivy is def around too. The landlady's boyfriend got a bad case of it recently while cleaning up their backyard or something else local.


badquarter t1_itcex3w wrote

You just missed the lantern flies.

Aside from skunks there is the occasional possum which seemingly has no fear and will walk close to you.


Queso2469 t1_ite3vpt wrote

Possums are harmless, resistant to rabies, and eat ticks and other pests. Ticks though, watch out for those. If you go running in heavy brush or forest check yourself all over and check your pets regularly.


Jahooodie t1_itg8una wrote

Basically downtown JC & LSP are a toxic in fill trash dump & the rest of town has back in the day industrial underpinning, don’t eat anything from the soil unless you know for sure and test. See the EPA chromium contamination maps


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ith3c9x wrote

Far and away your biggest potential hazard is poison ivy, which can cause a nasty rash depending on how allergic you are to it. It's everywhere, learn to recognize and avoid it. Birds spread its seeds and it thrives in our man-made landscape.

Unfortunately there's several other forms of local ivy that can be mistaken for it, particularly juvenile Boston ivy. The saying goes "leaves of three, let it be", but Poison Ivy's middle leaflet has an extended stem on it and Boston Ivy's doesn't.