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MrLurker698 t1_isjek19 wrote

As others have said, I wouldn’t rent without seeing it either. The landlord should want you to see it before signing the lease to avoid future issues for both of you.

If the landlord isn’t letting you see it, that in combination with an excessively high security deposit screams scam to me. Even if the building exists, this person may not be the owner’s representative. I care less about the clauses in the lease here, but I definitely recommend meeting with the “representative” in person at the property. Even if your unit is occupied, they have the legal right to notify the tenant and get you a tour. Otherwise, you should at least walk the halls of the building before signing.


bodhipooh t1_isji11w wrote

Agreed that any prospective renter should tour a property before signing a lease, or at least have a friend or relative tour it for them (I have done this before for friends) - sight unseen strikes me as a totally unnecessary risk.

BUT, definitely HARD DISAGREE about the deposit: 1.5 months is pretty much standard practice. It is not an "excessively high security". There is a more recent trend in JC for new construction to only ask for $500 or $1,000 deposits (conditioned/based on income, credit check, and possibly background check) but that's definitely NOT the norm.


MrLurker698 t1_isjtftb wrote

Yeah, good point. I didn’t realize that was only 1.5x.

I would just be uncomfortable to give that much money for an apartment that hasn’t been seen.


[deleted] OP t1_iskf12b wrote



MrLurker698 t1_iso0aj3 wrote

I didn’t realize you were using a realtor. I’m sure it’s real if you have a realtor. The realtor is the professional. Ask them your concerns then go with your gut. Good luck!


Brudesandwich t1_isk234x wrote

The name alone should tell you everything you need to know


fuzedz t1_isis2pc wrote

What landlord would take responsibility for internet? Lol

And water filters normal amd same with subletting


Naraka91 t1_isluvii wrote

I currently live in a building owned by 6thboro. I've lived here since before they bought my building and don't have a renovated spot. The roach problem is real, but they send an exterminator to come once a month to spray pesticide. They don't get back to you about issues unless you make it sound dire, and they only hire one super-per like, 5 or 6 buildings, so the hallways can remain quite gross for a while, unless they're actively trying to rent an apartment, which is really the only time they send anyone in to make sure it's clean.

If they need to do any water maintenance they dont reach out at all or send an email warning which days the water will be shut off, it's just off with no time frame of how long you'll be without plumbing, but they tell ypu when their office will be closed for holidays.


Potential_Ship5662 t1_isk3do1 wrote

I wouldn’t rent there. Amenities look terrible and not being able to choose your own internet? Cmon. My opinion? Rent at The Beacon. While some issues might include things like the management team is bunch of idiots, once you’re in your apartment it’s pretty nice. Rent prices are reasonable, and you get a pretty large bang for your buck. I’ve lived here for 4 years and own two condos which I rent out, but live in a rental unit in the other buildings. It works for me. Plus, dogs love it.


bodhipooh t1_isj0phn wrote

INFO: are you new to renting?

No landlord or building will ever take responsibility for swapping out your water filter. That’s something that’s the tenant responsibility. Just wait until you hear about lightbulbs. Also, not sure why you think a property manager would accept responsibility for a broadband issue. Property managers could (and should) initiate a support call with the telco providing the broadband service to the building, but that’s about it. No property manager is keeping network engineers on staff.


the_running_stache t1_isk1exu wrote

My landlord/building management changes the water filter regularly. I just need to put in a maintenance request and it is taken care of. As per the lease, I believe I am entitled to get it replaced monthly, but I usually wait until the “change water filter” indicator is lit.

They also replace light bulbs inside the apartment unit, if I request. (For light bulbs in the lamps provided by them; my table lamps are my responsibility, but if I request, they wouldn’t mind, I guess.)

I agree that Internet is not something that they will take full responsibility of. They will at most just make a phone call since it seems they provide it as a free service (included utilities) in this particular building. Not subletting and not allowing AirBnB guests are common clauses; so OP will see that almost everywhere.


bodhipooh t1_iskcokz wrote

Yeah, my building offers the same service FOR A FEE. They will come and swap a lightbulb, or the water filter in your fridge, and any number of things, but each one comes with a fee, as it should. Those are normal wear and tear items for which each person is and should be responsible.


objectimpermanence t1_iskofjg wrote

I don’t think there’s a hard and fast rule.

I’ve lived in buildings that would do free replacements of water filters, air filters, and even light bulbs (if they were in fixtures that are hard to reach without a ladder or required an unusual bulb).

My current landlord mails me a package of filters every 6 months and I just swap them out myself.


the_running_stache t1_islruzl wrote

I agree it is no hard-and-fast rule. But the user above my comment saying, “No landlord or building will ever take responsibility for swapping out your water filter” is just plain wrong. Some do. Some don’t.


the_running_stache t1_islrjln wrote

Mine is free. Included in the rent. Why should I pay for the light bulb burning out?

Think about it: assume the previous tenant used the light bulb a lot and moved out. I move in and the very next day, assume, the light bulb goes out. Am I responsible for its “heavy use” and wear and tear? I used it for just one day… Whereas the previous tenant probably used it for more than a full year and still didn’t have to replace it. Likewise with the water filter. Perhaps the building is responsible for changing all these when a new tenant moves in. But will any building replace a working light bulb just because a new tenant is moving in? What about when my lease gets renewed?

Again, I am not saying all buildings need to do this for free. For that matter, many buildings will not even address pest issues and such.

But mine does. And the user above me said that no building does it (for free) and I wanted to point out that my building in JC does it for free. The user above me was asking this as if this is a never-heard-of service and I wanted to say that it is otherwise. For that matter, my not-so-luxury former building in Manhattan also offered water filter and light bulb replacement for free.

Edit: oh, the user above my comment was you, anyways; just saw that


JCY2021 t1_isjlwx6 wrote

never lived in their buildings but heard horror stories from folks—basically there was a rodent issue and management never really took care of it. If this is a newer building then you might be okay..just don’t expect a super responsive management team!


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_isk5onx wrote

Not being able to choose your own internet service is a MAJOR MAJOR red flag, and also excludes ever working from home in that building. "Yeah boss, can't come to work today, or ever, unless the landlord feels like relinquishing their cable company kickback and allowing me to buy internet access that isn't horrible"


HeyJupiter5 t1_islaxjx wrote

Replacing water filters is much like replacing a lightbulb that goes out. They’re things you use, and they wear out. It’s probably referring to whatever is hooked up to the sink or fridge filtration, and they need replacing every 6 months or so (sometimes every 3, depending). I feel like that’s normal. Now, if an appliance breaks, that’s on the landlord. If it was saying you were responsible for repairs like that, that’d be a red flag. The rest is pretty typical, even in my last building, if the internet went out for the whole building, they’d address it, but on an individual basis per router, they probably just want you to resolve it on your own if it’s only an issue with yours and not the rest. But, worth asking the building management the extent of the coverage on these matters - even on things like what the filters cost, and have them help set expectations.


da-evil-genius t1_iso84j9 wrote

If they don't show you the apartment, its a scam.


blueEar01 t1_isodj28 wrote

DM me for reviews. I renewed my lease here


hardtalk370 t1_ispbi3u wrote

What kind of developer would name their apartments 6ixBoro..?! also, couldn’t find anything online when I tried to google it - I would skip man.