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drkensaccount t1_iu2k4pr wrote

Maybe now that it's falling onto the tracks the PA will do something to fix Newport/Pavonia station. They should rebuild the whole thing, move the entrance to Washington Blvd (which they should have done when they reopened in the '80s), and remove whatever the hell is over the north side of the platforms (a/k/a Dagoba).


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_iu5y09a wrote

There's been a leak in that corner for fuckin ever. All the path did was have maintenance crews mop up the water or put a garbage can to collect it. At least it'll get fixed now, those incompetent turds can't ignore it anymore.


dorkishj t1_iu3pu2q wrote

Oh wow! That's nuts


EstebanL t1_iu3be21 wrote

So happy I don’t use that shit train anymore
