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glasssa251 t1_itsh44z wrote

That's not what I'm asking. The current pay plan for benefits was negotiated so we could get a cap on payout. My question is do you think it's fair that teachers are paying for Healthcare to begin with since we can't opt out?


keepseeing444 t1_itsnk7s wrote

You’re asking a different question. How much do you pay for monthly health insurance premium exactly? Do you think it’s fair employees in private companies pay in some cases $2000 per month for family health plan? Many employees in public sector also do not have free health insurance. They also do not have summers off. You sound awfully entitled.


glasssa251 t1_itsotr9 wrote

Do said private companies offer employees the ability to opt out of their insurance plan? Because jersey city does not. I only pay for myself because my husband (who works for a private company) gets free Healthcare and I cannot opt out of mine to go on his. If I had a family of four on my plan, it would cost me $800 a month.

Also, while I have summers off, I don't get vacation days, which I'm sure many private sector employees have. I also don't get a paid maternity leave unless I pay for short term disability insurance.

If I come off as entitled, it's because I've been teaching for too long to put up with not being treated like a human being by the people I have to answer to.


keepseeing444 t1_itsv7r4 wrote

That sounds like a question only your union benefit planners or reps can answer. I dont think the board has any control over that.