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HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iueaz6m wrote

Don't give it to a place that charges you 10%

Don't pay to spend your own money.


ffejie t1_iuebo96 wrote

At last check (years ago), you can redeem your coins at Coinstar and get an Amazon gift code without the fee. A good deal if you were going to spend that money anyway. (there are other retailers, too - but none were as broad as Amazon)


umanonion t1_iug2qap wrote

double check teh machine before loading up the change. the last time i did the Coinstar at the Shoprite on Marin it did NOT do Amazon


restricteddata t1_iug9zyi wrote

This is correct. Each Coinstar has different output vendors. If you want Amazon you need to check. You can use their website here to find a kiosk near you and check what its options are.