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bythecommonman t1_iqtjj1k wrote

Legend has it that a scary looking woman runs ppl over with her car and flees the scene.


restricteddata t1_iqtub8k wrote

not half as spooky as (almost) every other politician pretending it didn't happen because they are afraid of her even scarier father

one crooked politician doesn't scare me. an entire party of terrified politicians scares me.


214ObstructedReverie t1_iqucfpk wrote

Sure, sure. But ultimately, she's actually a benevolent poltergeist. She only runs over cyclists who run red lights.

She's pretty bad at it, though. Doesn't even stop to make sure she finished them off...


raj1030 t1_iqv8sp5 wrote

It was a prank bro. She was clearly planning ahead for Halloween.


Late_Lake4295 t1_iqvlzr6 wrote

thats cause she saw a scary ghost fly by at first but sadly it was an actual person. stop the politics bullshit


knit_run_bike_swim t1_iqtom9k wrote

If you go to Shoprite during the week before 9AM it’s actually a pretty normal grocery store.


foxxyllama t1_iqtd2sh wrote

There’s talk of the Beacon being haunted because it used to be a hospital. But the few people I’ve talked to who lived there said it wasn’t lol.


_homegrown t1_iqu9638 wrote

Used to work there...had a couple weird experiences:

  1. Was walking through the spa/pool area one night. Heard a giant splash in the pool. Went running back there assuming the lifeguard like slipped in or something. Water was moving, but no one in there.

  2. Was closing up the amenity area one night and locked the pool/spa area. Went in to clean up the locker rooms and after I came out of the men's, the area was unlocked again. Went back over, locked the door again, and checked the women's locker room. Came back out and the door was open again. No other staff around and no one on the locked side of the door.

  3. We would set up the poker room to look like a game was being played. One day I set it up, walked out to check the pool tables, went back in and the poker table was completely cleaned up.

I've heard other stories from residents as well... Also, hated having to go to the basement that has tunnels connecting to the other buildings.


Humble_Geologist_653 t1_iqtkf8b wrote

There’s no way it isn’t though. We need more data


nycdevil t1_iqtphsp wrote

I found an important piece of data!

> Data: Ghosts don't exist. What are you, 8?


Humble_Geologist_653 t1_iqtr9xp wrote

Cmon now that comment is in fact childish. Why are you on this thread if you can’t even enjoy the convo. Why contribute ? Have an amazing night though. Hopefully a ghost didn’t see your text here.


LateralEntry t1_iqvmp14 wrote

My first apartment in Jersey City was at the beacon. I remember coming home one night and seeing a nurse in an old-school white uniform walking through the hallway and disappearing into a door. To be fair, I was a little buzzed, but it was very unsettling. Never saw it again, and moved out at the end of my lease term.


yesiam_samiam t1_iqtqo36 wrote

I’ve lived at the Beacon for 3+ years in 2 different apartments…..never any spooky activity


restricteddata t1_iqtu8ge wrote

if you live in a haunted hospital and you don't see a ghost, then you are probably the ghost, just fyi


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iqtup0z wrote

I had friends that lived there, parents had friends that lived there. There was one of the top floors where they would hear running, screeching and screaming outside their apartments. There’s more and there’s also a post either on here or Facebook that had other experiences in there.


tyrsal3 t1_iqtxwvy wrote

That’s literally every apartment complex in Jersey City though 🤣.

Lived in the Realto building of the beacon a few years and my wife even longer. No ghosts. No credible stories. I’d ask my neighbors in the dog run too.. same. No ghosts.


objectimpermanence t1_iqu07d6 wrote

> they would hear running, screeching and screaming outside their apartments

It was probably just one of the neighborhood crackheads. /s

But seriously, I lived there in the Criterion for 2 years. That building was originally a tuberculosis hospital and then a nursing home. So I’m sure lots of people died there over the years.

I was sick one night with a high fever and thought I saw a man dressed in white standing at the end of my bed. But I’m pretty sure it was just a fever dream and I don’t count it as a paranormal experience.


nerdiestnerdballer t1_iqty1s9 wrote

This comment in of itself it’s pretty spooky you sound exactly like a ghoul, ghost or goblin would If they were trying to throw us off their trail. I’m on to you…


idkinfo t1_iqvuxls wrote

It’s haunted my friends worked at various positions there from security to Emts to clerks all had stories. Lives across the street during the remodeling there are certainly spirits who are stuck.


is_rice t1_iqtb7cg wrote

Cat Eyes of St. Joseph


frowavay1 t1_iqti2n1 wrote

What’s that?


EliotHudson t1_iqtsbam wrote

I’m a history writer for Hoboken Girl and have 3 awesome “real” ghost stories published in Jersey City Newspapers from the 1890s coming out later this month! (I did archival research and they’ve never been retold)

I’m also making a little video reel reenacting the dialogue at the present locations of the hauntings so I’ll try to post it here when it comes out!

I’m literally working on it tonight


LateralEntry t1_iqvmxqi wrote

Share the link when it’s published!


serenanana t1_iqwo64t wrote

That's awesome! Also, I love Hoboken Girl lol. It helped me a lot in getting to know the Jersey City and Hoboken areas and the businesses here more.


EliotHudson t1_it0t1y7 wrote

Just shared the link on r/JerseyCity - hope you like it! All the stories are from real newspapers in the 1890s!


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iqtusrt wrote

Thats great!


EliotHudson t1_it0t2rd wrote

Just shared the link on r/JerseyCity - hope you like it! All the stories are from real newspapers in the 1890s!


Vegetable_River t1_iqtqbcb wrote

I moved into a new build out on Grand street in 2017 right across from the park. I was excited because it was so nice inside; 2 bedroom, 2 bath was almost 1k feet of space. Well, first night my son was there with his girlfriend before the rest of the furniture could be delivered. I was told there was walking around all night. The 2nd night I was there I took a shower (I had the master bedroom) and came out of the shower to see a woman in all white standing there right in front of me. A few weeks pass and I hear a man, clear as day from inside my bedroom yell 'how dare you'! Sounded like he was right next to my bed - it was 4 am. I found that I couldn't sleep at night. I constantly felt I was being watched and I saw what I can only describe as a ghost dog run from one room to the other. Also, most people would not stay. And I almost never saw anyonein the hallway. Almost felt like the twighlight zone when you entered the building. I lived there 3 years due to circumstances. Couldn't wait to move out. Found out that right next to that vacant lot it was built on there were 2 abandoned houses where a girl lured a young man who was attacked and killed.


tangerinescott t1_iqttvix wrote

When that new building on Coles (next to Lucky’s) was being built, I swear I saw a ghost walk into the alley. She told me she and her boyfriend were fighting and asked me to help. As I approached her, she retreated to the then-alley and told me to go in deeper so that the boyfriend doesn’t see her. I didn’t follow her in there.


eetzavinyl t1_iqtmtp4 wrote

Every year in late July: were those gunshots, fireworks, or the ghost of the Black Tom explosion?


Phil-Collins-Ghost t1_iqu58ew wrote

My first night I slept in my apartment (off grand street in an old brownstone) I had a dream of a creature crawling out of my floor hatch. The next day I took a picture of my bathroom mirror ( I hung up lights and was showing a friend) and they pointed out there was a face behind me. Saged the fuck out of my apartment. Have been fine since. Still sketchy af tho.


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iquor90 wrote

Id be interested to see that picture if you still have it


Phil-Collins-Ghost t1_iqvtgh3 wrote

Since it’s a photo of me I’m a little apprehensive. But if you don’t mine me closing up to the figure I’ll share.


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iqw300z wrote

Absolutely, you can blur yourself out or do whatever you need to do to that picture to make yourself feel comfortable


atjazz t1_iqwm8vj wrote

Please, I would like to see it too! Whatever you need to make blur your face.


HolyShonks t1_iqtuhak wrote

There's a road between liberty state park and the science center. I forget what it's called, but it's lined with reeds on both sides. Its a back road and not really suitable for walking, especially at night. It's pretty dark and windy so you can't always see what's coming up until you turn around the bend. My sister was driving on that road late at night, and swears that as she made the turn, her headlights illuminated an elderly couple standing perfectly still on the side of the road. She looked at the rear view as she drove away, but it was too dark to confirm what she saw, and she sure as shit wasn't stopping.


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iquoxmc wrote

That back road taking you to the Caven Point? Used to go running at LSPs waterfront often with my dog (stopped after my dog saw one of the diseased foxes) and I always used to get a weird feeling driving back up that road or around there at night.


aubreypizza t1_iqyhmqo wrote

Diseased foxes?!?


GhostStylez22 OP t1_ir4zju0 wrote

I don’t know if they’re 100% diseased, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are. But they are very small scrawny looking and have weird eyes.


dreamanxiety t1_iqu00xa wrote

The Margaret Williams Theatre at New Jersey City University is supposedly haunted. I worked there for several years and can confirm weird things happening. Mostly sounds.

For example, there were many times I would be alone in the office backstage and no one else would be in the theater (we were very strict about having unauthorized people in theater) and I would hear footsteps crossing the stage. (there was an overhead microphone wired into a speaker box in the office so we could hear what was going on onstage and in the house.)

Sometimes we would hear some of the doors rattle. And a few of these doors had no access to the main building. Think loading dock type area with no access to the public. Doors could only be opened from the inside like an emergency exit, so they led from the theater directly outside.


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iquonnp wrote

My Mom and some of her cousins spent some time at NJCU, they always said the gothic style was very unwelcoming and they would get weird vibes throughout the school especially older parts of it.


dreamanxiety t1_iqvb552 wrote

i don't know if i ever found it unwelcoming, but it is definitely a product of its time. especially the buildings that were built in the 1920s.

for example, you'll find some floor tiles with swastikas on them, which is not cool today, but before 1930s germany, not so bad.


HolyShonks t1_iqwt3e9 wrote

I've heard the same. That the ghost of a custodian can be heard vacuuming


[deleted] t1_iqtt9b6 wrote



Byecur1ous t1_iqvnwtl wrote

White upper-middle class tech bro with $4250/mo rent on the 12th floor of a waterfront building, reporting in. You were literally off by $50. Quite impressive.


Imaginary-War6700 t1_iqtw5h5 wrote

Two JCPD working overnight are having a slow shift on a cold, windy rainy night. They decide to catch a nap tucked in a corner of the cemetary on Garfield Ave. Both sleeping like babies when BANG BANG!!! A nude zombie creature with crazy hair and covered in leaves and mud was banging on their windows!! "Ahhh, something escaped from the grave! Get the fuck out of here!!" Screamed the passenger. Driver screams, "We can't leave, we're the cops!!!" After they gathered themselves, turns out it was a sexual assault victim needing help. They covered her with a blanket and drove her to the hospital.


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iqtwjod wrote

News article to this story?


idkinfo t1_iqvvifi wrote

Depends who was the mayor and if the Jersey journal wanted to print it.


SyndicalistCPA t1_iqwu4zt wrote

The was a gnome statue by Hamilton Park that stood tall for years. One day it was smashed and buried. A week later it resurrected and continues to stand tall.


azthrowaway666 t1_iqukiqh wrote

i got one but i got back from work just now so i’m tired. will share in the morning


WinterGoddess_ t1_iquy3zb wrote

Dead Man’s Tunnel and the ghosts from Dickinson High School


LateralEntry t1_iqvngz4 wrote

Tell about Dickinson ghosts!


idkinfo t1_iqvvnn9 wrote

They don’t help you pass but you might be able to find a Tunnel to ditch class.


LateralEntry t1_iqvyvar wrote

One of the caretakers at the historic graveyard across the street told me that back in the Revolutionary War, the continental army put its cannons on the hill where Dickinson now stands, and shelled the British in Manhattan. The continentals kept their ammo at what's now the graveyard, so when the British shot back, no boom boom, and tunnels connected the two. Is that what you're referring to?


Legitimate-Value-134 t1_iqyw6kl wrote

I heard there’s a miniature castle hidden in liberty state park somewhere. Almost impossible to find though since it’s hidden in the tall grass

Not that paranormal I guess but still strange


flippenstance t1_is97cll wrote

I saw it a few times in the early 2000s. It was pretty cool. Not sure it's still there tho after the interpretive center was built.


anntakamakii t1_ittlc79 wrote

When I was little, a woman with long brown straight hair would always walk past my house with a stroller and she would always be humming a song. I always thought she was a real human until one day I said something about her to my mom as she was walking by and my mom couldn’t see her even though she was walking right in front of our house.


mad_dog_94 t1_iqwqhvd wrote

The beacon is the old medical center. The bodies are in the walls. Quite spoopy