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tonyblow2345 t1_jeelm9e wrote

I doubt it. I feel like most instances of school shootings would have people calling from cell phones though, right? I’d sure as shit be hiding somewhere with my cell phone, not using a landline in a classroom.

There 100% needs to be a texting system nationwide. Having someone in a dangerous situation TALKING on a phone with the other person’s voice possibly coming through as well. And then the 911 operator calling back if disconnected?? What if the ringer isn’t on silent. Or it vibrates… That shit is not silent.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_jeen27b wrote

Oh yea, definitely. The buildings that still have lead pipes also definitely have a batphone to commissioner gordon's desk. 100%



iLiviN t1_jef9k41 wrote

Nope, the phones in the classroom go to the main office and I’m sure the phones in the main office are just normal phones with no special connections. Plus, like someone else said, everyone is using their cell phones or laptops now anyways unless you need support from the office.. which during a shooting would probably be incredibly not useful.


naturalorange t1_jefjr2c wrote

In some areas you can text 911, this allows deaf and hard-of-hearing people to get emergency services without needing to go through a TTY operator. This is not available nationwide yet, nor is it available in Hudson County. It is available in NYC and many other NJ counties, at least according to the FCC published data.


FreedomComesWithRisk t1_jefqv4r wrote

Where are these people coming from 😂🤣😂🤣 with these dumb ass sensational questions 😂🤣😂🤣


idkinfo t1_jeg6td3 wrote

No they do not. In my most JC voice HELL FUCKING NO and any one who says other wise is bold faced lieing the resource cops are barely in some of the schools.


JerseyTeacher78 t1_jegd500 wrote

This is terrifying. The people of Nashville got someone on the phone and quick action saved lives. I don't think that would happen here.