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Brudesandwich t1_j98zrxc wrote

Nyc, LA, Orlando, SF, Houston, Austin, Paris off the top of my head


sutisuc t1_j990wg7 wrote

Wow I can see some of those but NYC, SF and Paris are surprising.


Brudesandwich t1_j992x0c wrote

Everyone wears Rose colored glasses when it comes to NYC


sutisuc t1_j993065 wrote

Nah I’m fully aware of its issues but if you’re into urbanism it’s far and away the best city for it in the country. What don’t you like about it?


BeMadTV t1_j99fm9y wrote

I think people here don't really like urbanism. They like gentrification that results in Whole Foods and more amenities. Like if JC could be Park Slope.


Ilanaspax t1_j9c59j9 wrote

They like the idea of being a person who lives in a city (“my family back in Ohio think I’m CrAzY for living here!”) while they complain that there’s too many homeless people and the Whole Foods can’t open fast enough.