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DontBeEvil1 t1_j96z7c0 wrote

Not sure why you're talking about a "slam dunk." 🤔

"Changing rapidly," doesn't mean what you seem to think it does.

You just wrote an entire paragraph detailing how "old timers" you talked to, basically said things changed I said.

"Changed for the better," are your words, not mine.

And fyi, more recent DTJC "old timers," don't think the current gentrification that's going on is changed for the better either. Which is to my point. It's an endless cycle of change and people who were there before not liking it.

No one who has lived in DTJC 20 years ago is saying "it's so exciting to be a part of this community that's changing rapidly!" That's talk from a newbie from another state or country, being overcharged for faux luxury housing.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j977jjl wrote

I think you've lost the thread here, you seem a little confused. First you contradicted me now you're agreeing with what I said that 40 years ago they would not have thought it was changing for the better.

FWIW, I've been here a quarter century and have not seen change for the worse.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j97cb1d wrote

I'm not confused at all. You are confused at the fact that 1 comment made in response to another specific comment is in response to THAT specific comment and does not necessarily represent the spirit of the entire thread. You are also, as previously stated, confused with misinterpreting what was actually said instead by imposing what you thought was meant. You also seem to be confused about the experience of all "old timers." 🤷‍♂️