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tweeksdotcom t1_j9omk23 wrote

Erie Street is wild in the morning. Several similar experiences. No help with the camera, but Solomon's Instagram has the proposed traffic plans for the area. Check it out and send any feedback you have.


jersey385 t1_j9osxxd wrote

I keep saying this but it doesn’t hurt to tweet the mayor and the JCPD. They do nothing but I always liked reminding them that they do nothing.


jerseycityfrankie t1_j9p5r8v wrote

Their hands are tied because they’ve not shown leadership on the DeGeis hit & run outrage. They can’t appear to be less than even-handed on this stuff now so don’t look for justice or policy enforcement going forward.


orb_king t1_j9pch49 wrote

That’s a really good point. Very problematic situation, but it’s still their fault.


jersey385 t1_j9pykza wrote

I’ve commented this once before, but it’s difficult for the mayor to respond when his mouth is full of Amy’s daddy’s penis. I will now retire this comment but anyone else who feels it may be appropriate on another thread should feel free to use it.


beta_pup t1_j9plhrm wrote

> tweet the mayor

His lack of meaningful response regarding Amy DeGise just normalizes shitty driving. Fulop is a fucking joke. He touts Vision Zero while he lets developers open up Jersey Avenue to Turnpike traffic.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9qet98 wrote

How exactly does a developer "open up Jersey Avenue to Turnpike traffic." A "developer" is not in charge of that, the state of New Jersey is, and the state of New Jersey already stopped Leonia when Leonia tried to ban interstate traffic from local streets.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j9pf4mg wrote

Even with a crossing guard, they just blow right past her , it’s a shitshow


candyghost OP t1_j9pprvk wrote

Yes!! I walk south of Hamilton Park every morning and there are usually two stationed along 8th street. Have absolutely seen people disregard her whistling and keep going.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j9ppzbq wrote

I prefer crossing at 8th. It’s less crazy there. Still have to be careful and just assume everyone is an asshole idiot.


candyghost OP t1_j9ps2y2 wrote

I feel one single iota safer because the crossing guards are there. At least if I get hit, there will be a witness.