Submitted by Loganite2dot0 t3_115jd1q in jerseycity

Hey -- so disclaimer off the bat -- we've done extensive googling. I've got a 50 row spreadsheet of buildings, w/ amenities and notes etc. I know it is no one's job here to research for me but I really do appreciate any direction from the community and personal experiences. I'm going to try and be as specific as possible in clarifying our priorities but apologies if it is still somewhat broad. We are returning to the NYC metro after 6-years away and so aren't local to just walk the streets. We are trying to make the best use of our visits and so trying to hammer out a short list in advance.

Again, I'm not asking anyone to go out and research anything based on these parameters, but if someone (or your friends) lives in a building that seems like it fits the bill, would love if you could drop the name of the building.

Us: Married couple + 1 3-yr old human + 1 6-yr old German Shepherd (extra friendly, well-trained, etc.)

Our Priorities

Location: Historic Downtown, Paulus Hook, Van Vorst Park, Hamilton Park, Powerhouse, Waterfront (maybe). We are primarily walkers during the day so will want to be able to walk to PATH, school, dog parks, all the good JC stuff. Seems like most neighborhoods I've mentioned make that doable as long as you aren't all the way on the fringe:

  • Ideally within 5-10 minute walk of grove st. PATH

Building: Doesn't have to be the newest, shiniest if that means it comes with extra noise. Don't care how tall the building is as we personally will prioritize a "lower floor" (e.g., 12 or lower) but have heard about elevator nightmares and don't want to be waiting 15-30 minutes. Priority amenities:

  • Dog-friendly, without breed restrictions on shepherds
  • Children's playroom
  • Pool (ideally somewhere that a well-behaved kid, but still a kid, isn't a stigma at the pool during the day)
  • Solid Gym
  • on-site parking (extra fee is expected)
  • storage lockers or some kind of out of unit storage

Unit: 3BRs or Big 2BR. W/D in-unit. Lower noise between units is DEFINITELY a priority so looking for those concrete floors and thicker walls.

Price: Willing to be somewhat flexible for our specific priorities. the 7k+ 2BR places are non-starters but below that (e.g., 5-6k all-in) are doable.

Last caveat...we recognize its apartment living and noise is part of the deal and there will almost always be noise coming in from people in the hall. We are looking to minimize hearing actual conversations next door or marbles/stomping from above.

Thank you in advance. Sorry for the long, super-specific post...and if there is something already discussed that is with this focus, please just point me there as I've missed it.



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Hulk_Runs t1_j921vwp wrote

I started reading this and about halfway through I decided to just go on living my life.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j92qca4 wrote

Almost as if the intro caveat worked as specified and was intended...


Hulk_Runs t1_j931v7o wrote

Which part?


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j93wpbw wrote

The part where I said I’m only asking if someone has something jump to mind quickly and only for a building name. I wrote a summary to start so you can read it fast and move on without getting into the detail. Or you could even just ignore it from the title if you don’t have interest in engaging in a thread asking for advice about apartments.


Hulk_Runs t1_j942dof wrote

Ha. It doesn’t say that at all. You asked for advice based on parameters that requires one to read the entire post in order to know what you’re looking for.

That’s fine, others can do that. But you should know most people found this obnoxious. I’m sure you’re otherwise a fine person despite your propensity for paralysis by analysis and long winded posts.


Direct_Ad18 t1_j9329xp wrote

You seriously have a 50 row spreadsheet of buildings? I really think you're overthinking this. Just pick one. You're moving into a luxury building in a premium neighborhood and spending over $5k per month, how bad do you think it will be? Plus that's the beauty of renting. If you don't like it, you can move in a year.

Also, someone may love a building, and you pick it and then might just have bad luck. I've dealt with really loud neighbors, a gym upgrade closing the gym in my building for 4 months, and multiple fire alarms in one month due to a "system malfunction" in otherwise what I'd call a great apartment.

I've dealt with all of these all things in all different apartment buildings downtown, some of which are mentioned here. That is sort of par for the course with apartment living.... I wouldn't rely on someone's individual experience because shit can happen anytime. I would just pick the one you like the most and stop overthinking.


ceeyell t1_j92n2ab wrote

I have no idea why you wouldn’t just hire a realtor instead of going through this much effort to even type out this post, much less maintain a 50 row spreadsheet of buildings. At $5-6k a month surely you can afford one.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j92q485 wrote

Out of principal for one thing.

NY area is the only place in the country that runs this scam of renters paying realtor fees and I'd rather spend 10 minutes typing this up and getting a handful of answers to validate my research. I value my time but I can't imagine I'd put in enough hours doing this myself to make a realtor worth it.

Can afford != should pay.

I put enough caveat's at the top that if you still feel compelled to read and respond this way, shrug.


truocchio t1_j95xynd wrote

How is it a scam to pay someone for their specific and learned knowledge about all the things you are asking about? You want intimate and specific info from a reliable source and you aren’t willing to pay for this info. So you’ll do it yourself. But then you want others to give you the info that the one person who’s profession is to know what you want to know, would know. But yet you don’t want to pay them?

And many of the high rises actually pay the realtor a finders fee anyway so in many cases you would still get this info for free. Additional since it’s a high rise you would only have to pay 1/2 the fee since your realtor doesn’t have to share the fee with a co-broker (other side of the transaction).

Find a reputable realtor from DTJC and they’ll know all the answers from the perspective of multiple people they have housed at the variety of buildings you are asking about. Rather then get one off antidotes for a single perspective experience or passing conversation with a friend.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j96u5ub wrote

Because everywhere else, except a handful of places, the seller or landlord bears the cost as part of their business given it’s there property.


deem707 t1_j92imi4 wrote

Have you looked into any buildings already and if so, what did you find?

Sounds like a favorable option given your specifics is to work with a realtor……. Good luck


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j92r8t5 wrote

Yea we've looked into a good amount (honestly too many to list here or I would've) but I'm at the point where I'm looking to understand and avoid the things you can't find online or a tour.

e.g., elevators down more than up, noise between units, general vibe of common spaces (e.g., actually kid-friendly or not).

I've read plenty of reviews but complaints surface in reviews way more than volunteered positive info. So I figured I'd see if anyone here would volunteer a positive review that they might not have thought or cared to do on google, etc.


fulanita_de_tal t1_j92k2iu wrote

I’ve lived in the Columbus Towers for about 4 years now and have really enjoyed it. The amenities are top notch and I think it’s soundproofed well.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j92sim0 wrote

awesome, appreciate it!


activeForce t1_j92vqy0 wrote

Just avoid 50 columbus. Every few weeks, one of more of their elevators are down. The two other buildings don’t have that problem


fulanita_de_tal t1_j95w514 wrote

Good point. OP, for context, there’s three towers and each was built one after the other. 50 is the oldest, then came 70, and 90 is the newest (which is the one I’m in). They all share the same amenities though.


PsychologicalAd1153 t1_j9376lc wrote

Get a broker. Or just pick a place. You're RENTING not buying.


Reutherpower t1_j92jbo1 wrote

I’d recommend you look into Silverman buildings. They’re the best landlords and have some properties in your budget range. We’ve lived in a Silverman apartment near Hamilton Park for several years and can’t recommend them enough.


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j92ndjj wrote

Second the Silverman buildings. They build their places like fortresses. I lived in a building with 98 other tenants and never heard a PEEP from neighbors. There is no such thing as soundproofing, but the Silvermans get as close as possible (and the buildings are soooo clean and well cared for, too).


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_j92njle wrote

Also they have no breed restrictions, but they did meet our gigantic dog to make sure she was friendly. They also just opened a fantastic vet!


objectimpermanence t1_j947tnp wrote

How are they with rent increases for lease renewals? I’ve noticed that their advertised prices are usually quite a bit higher than the competition.


oldnewspaperguy2 t1_j9368f4 wrote

If you want a pool, you are looking at a high rise. Your dog breed will be an issue at basically all of them unless you don’t disclose the breed.


QueenFrstine06 t1_j95o51w wrote

I’ve lived at Windsor at Liberty House for five years and we love it. Fabulous management (not something you’d think you’d ever say about apartment building management, but they’re great), gorgeous street in Paulus Hook by some great restaurants, and I think it meets all your criteria. Only thing I’m not sure about is the dog breed restrictions since I don’t have a pet, but there are some pretty large pups on my floor so I think you’d be okay.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j96vinw wrote

Nice thank you! That place has come up a good amount, seems pretty great


Lmckiernan t1_j980nmn wrote

We live here too and are very happy with it. There aren’t a lot of big buildings downtown with 3-bed units. This is a good option.


TartZealousideal t1_j9cdyy4 wrote

I live at Windsor too. Moving out soon after a year. They have serious security issues. My apartment was broken into last summer. Management did nothing. Didn’t even warn the other tenants. Someone broke in and stole a car out of the garage a few months ago. I heard someone followed a woman into the building and tried to rob her in the halls way too (this I don’t have proof of, just heard from neighbors). The apartments finishes are extremely cheap (plastic floors, blinds constantly braking). Very happy to see the back of this place next month.


QueenFrstine06 t1_j9chsdj wrote

Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that! We’ve had a good experience here for 5 years but maybe we’ve just been lucky. Best of luck wherever you’re headed next.


WendysFrostyandFries t1_j92buf5 wrote

Check this one out. I think this might check most of your boxes. I think it’s about a 10 minute walk to grove. You can also walk to the ferry and light rails


Socialworking8 t1_j93hk5h wrote

The outpouring of thoughtful advice and ideas is very touching. It’s why I miss Jersey City and often think of moving back. Incredibly decent warm people.


Hulk_Runs t1_j942hjt wrote

Obnoxious posts get obnoxious responses.


annmamax t1_j93t8zs wrote

Bozzuto is good management and all the buildings are great.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j940i4l wrote

Thank you!!’


bloodiedup_27 t1_j9667cc wrote

I live at Vantage which is managed by Bozzuto and really like it! Lots of people here with young kids and apartments are sound-proofed extremely well from my experience. It's dog friendly but not sure about the breed restrictions. The building does have elevator issues from time to time, but I live on a lower floor so it doesn't impact me as much. Amenities are great! PM me if you have any questions!


TheMikri t1_j96ulf2 wrote

Had a terrible experience with Bozzuto, but in Chicago.


dexxness t1_j944oow wrote

The dog breed is going to be an issue, every large building people listed and I’m sure you’ve found, will tell you a German Shepard is a restricted breed. You’ll need an exception some will give it to you but it’s a thing. Unless the dog looks enough like a mutt or other breed you can lie on the app.

Apartment size might be an issue. Some of those buildings don’t have 3BRs and some do, but often that’ll put you at $6-7k+. What do you consider a large 2BR? 1200sqft? If so you’ll find some of them, but if you want 1400-1500 that’s hard to find.

You should also check some of the condo buildings because plenty of them have people renting their condos. 88 Morgan, 2 2nd St, etc… you might find a 3BR rental there but likely have to pay a broker fee.

Good luck with your move!


NCreature t1_j93cue1 wrote

I'd say any of the Paulus Hook or Liberty Harbor places fit your bill perfectly. Lenox, Quinn, Madox, Windsor, Portside Towers all come to mind specifically. Extremely quiet neighborhoods. Footsteps to the ferry, 5 minute walk to Grove Street, or if you're closer to the Liberty Harbor side, you can hop on the lightrail to Exchange Place too. Haus25 is very nice too off Columbus. Its very, very close to Grove Street station, but a bit on the pricey side. Basically you'd be good pretty much anywhere in downtown Jersey City east of Jersey Avenue. I would describe that part of JC as almost sleepy despite the density. One night I walked back from Hoboken to Liberty Harbor and could probably count the number of people I ran into on the street and this was a Saturday night. Everything closes early, its not a raging town like Hoboken is. The bars in Paulus Hook close at like 10:30.

At your budget you might even see if there's something available at 99 Hudson, which is basically across the street from Exchange Place.

I don't really think noise will be much of an issue unless you live in the building that has the Beerhaus on the ground floor. The light rail bell chimes occasionally but that's about it. Just be prepared that parking in the area is around $250 for people who live there, but I actually found a deal at the Montgomery Street surface lot for $180 if you're okay with not being in a garage.

The other area you might look at are some of the newer buildings in Newport especially closer to Hoboken. 75 Park Lane, 2 Shore Lane, The Beach at Newport. It is very, very quiet up there, you're a quick five-ish minute walk to the Hoboken PATH station and you get stunning views of Manhattan. Again the light rail runs through that area too and the mall and super markets are very close. You also don't have the traffic problems that you get in Paulus Hook where things get very congested especially on weekends and especially on Grand Street.


datatadata t1_j94bv7p wrote

German Shepard might be an issue as it’s a bigger dog + likely a restricted breed in many buildings. Other than that, you shouldn’t have that difficult of a time finding a place. Just remember that you won’t find a “perfect” place. There will be at least one or two things that won’t meet your requirements and it’s okay! Good luck!


Champagne_robbi t1_j93ofzz wrote

My wife and I lived at Modera Lofts before kids but with a dog and loved it. The only thing it doesn’t have on your list is a pool. I have lived in a building with a pool in JC, and it’s not all it’s made out to be.

I think the Modera Lofts demographic will be what you’re looking for. Mostly people in their 30s and 40s, some with kids and some without. If we didn’t want to make the effort to buy a place we’d still be there.


objectimpermanence t1_j948fuj wrote

Did you have any noise issues there?

They have so many negative reviews mentioning thin walls.


Champagne_robbi t1_j94cryv wrote

Only a neighbor who would BLAST music, but I think that would be a problem anywhere. Nothing after they moved out. I heard living on the top floor would get noisy since it’s right below the rooftop where people hang out, but we never had an issue.


pmax2 t1_j95kz4e wrote

You know that there are people whose job is to help people who are moving find a place that meets their criteria and budget


joejoeaz t1_j95s6a6 wrote

Wow, you've done a ton of homework here! One other thing you may or may not know, is that the rents on units change, nearly every day. When you find a couple of properties you like, monitor their rent prices for a while. I moved from one unit to another in the same building, and watching the rent prices really paid off for getting a bigger place. Still paying more, but would have paid a lot more if the homework hadn't been done.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j96v9fo wrote

Ahh good call. Did you ever find that talking to leasing agent in person was different from what they communicated online?


joejoeaz t1_j986dej wrote

No, they charged us the published rate.


The_GreatGonzy t1_j970s1s wrote

I can tell you NOT TO DO NEWPORT. ANY NEWPORT complex. Idk how many times management reached out to me to “change my review” after 5-6 different surveys. You can get all you can from other buildings for the same price. These buildings come with nothing but headaches and roaches.


Supablue24 t1_j9atu1f wrote

Greenville (Greenvilla Heights) would be perfect for you and your family.


Warm_Introduction_93 t1_j929bq4 wrote

Just Wow! The entitlement is strong with this one.


ffejie t1_j92a5t7 wrote

Actually just sounds like a person looking for advice? They were overly specific because so many on here aren't and those people get bad/no advice.


Loganite2dot0 OP t1_j92rqpl wrote

yup, exactly...because I read SO many posts and comments before posting, I tried to do what most commenters complained was missing. But there's no pleasing the internet.

I know its Reddit...but sheesh people just have to comment, don't they? I tried to make it abundantly clear I was just looking for building names that come to mind quickly and nothing else and no extra effort on anyone's part. I also tried to make it very easy to ignore and move on with my intro...oh well.


coldbrew_nut t1_j931x06 wrote

You put it on the internet so you have to expect comments from literally anyone. That's the point of reddit.


Yin-Hei t1_j94s1rr wrote

Wdym OP dropped a number and it's reasonably in line with expectations.