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HobokenJ OP t1_ja077dr wrote

" Residents deserve a straight answer here so they can hold their officials to account should they start making decisions based on what could be an obvious conflict of interest. "


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_ja4e92p wrote

Fulop isn't running again, he's going to do anything he wants.....


kczar18 t1_ja7ntqi wrote

Good to know for his gubernatorial campaign


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_ja1b4la wrote

The whole thing is kind of disgusting. HALF the kids in JC public schools are living in poverty, people are buried under obscene property taxes, and we are building a fancy-schmancy new-money art gallery to show off and Fulop and his cronies are running around Paris? Jesus, when is this city going to start addressing the real problems?


JohnnyVanderbilt t1_ja0e6qh wrote

I am excited that we will get a Pompidou outpost. I want the city to invest the time and money to get it right, make it feel like a world class museum, and make it accessible for everyone. That said, they definitely should do it all transparently. I don’t mind that they went, but don’t do it under the table and then kick back tax dollars to those that funded it.


scubastefon t1_ja0iy63 wrote

Well, the escrow on my house just got recalculated, so something tells me I already know the answer.


EyesOnImprovement t1_ja3cpq1 wrote

Such a dumb move, sometimes Fulop is his own worst enemy.
If it's not a big deal then why the secrecy? It's the same with Degise, rather than deal with something decisively it's left to fester and a 2 day story becomes a 6month saga.


Ilanaspax t1_ja4zwgi wrote

Generous of you to think this is him being dumb and not just blatant corruption which is what it definitely is.


Gut-_-Instinct t1_ja1h21k wrote

beautiful 5 star hotel and fine wine. Sounds expensive


halocene_epic t1_ja0vso8 wrote

According to the article it was privately funded. So why do we care? Genuinely curious (pls don’t downvote).


garth_meringue t1_ja165kj wrote

"Gifts" of a certain size are often considered unethical and give the appearance of impropriety.


halocene_epic t1_ja18lbb wrote

I still don’t get the “outrage.” Seems like these are business trips for the future JC location with museum organization. If anything shouldn’t we be happy tax dollars weren’t spent?


garth_meringue t1_ja19zs0 wrote

Jersey City politicians have arranged for a substantial amount of tax money to go to Pompidou. Now they are receiving gifts in return. They are also not being transparent. Hope this helps.


G_Funk_Error t1_ja2vw9j wrote

Because if there’s no conflict of interest, there should be no issue disclosing how it was funded. Period. Oh and Steve ran on a platform of complete transparency, so…


halocene_epic t1_ja3h8b3 wrote

Ok I get it now. They should just disclose. Thanks for the explanation and downvotes folks!


nasty_brutish_longer t1_ja1d103 wrote

We pay our officials to work for us. When someone else pays them--in cash or gifts or trips to Paris--our officials don't work for us anymore.

This trip is worrying because there's arguably legit reason for the mayor and a few councilmembers to visit Pompidou, even on the taxpayer dime. Yet this vanilla trip gets shrouded in secrecy. Makes it hard to forget we live in Hudson County.


jerseycityfrankie t1_ja2ypt3 wrote

I’m finding it delightfully hilarious that Ward C councilnaper Boggiano wasn’t invited or even told about the trip. The project is in his ward, his election was greatly aided by Fulop, but now Fulop has no further use for sleepy out of touch Boggiano and is dissing him.


nasty_brutish_longer t1_ja3f8bb wrote

I can see the conversation go like: Paris is a city of sophisticates and Uncle Rich will ruin EVERYTHING!

But l'm 99% sure Boggiano just couldn't be bothered to go.


Ilanaspax t1_ja505vm wrote

I would not be surprised if he simply opted out of the trip and is playing dumb.


EyesOnImprovement t1_ja3d7ok wrote

I wonder if that's why he wasn't at the last council meeting?


jerseycityfrankie t1_ja3pgsf wrote

For a certainty Bing would have never missed a council meeting. And he’d be up to speed on the Museum project too.


No-Independence194 t1_ja1xf7t wrote

So you don’t want this trip to be publicly funded OR privately funded? Okay.


G_Funk_Error t1_ja2w14k wrote

Not a single person said that. We want disclosure on WHO funded. Stop being a shill.


READTHEBOOKJC t1_ja0gk3z wrote

COME ONNNNN !!!! Can't we just bitch about Drunk Criminals on the Council - The Paris trip is a big nothing burger - they did not spend your money - I repeat - They did not spend YOUR money -


G_Funk_Error t1_ja2vzef wrote

They are spending millions of our money on this project, and now they’re getting gifts. Try to follow along ya mouth breathing, knuckle dragging dope.


READTHEBOOKJC t1_ja5asf0 wrote

Not sure but I think your not suppose to be a dick or call people names on this forum - perhaps you need a lesson on how to respond ..... here's a copy of an A++ post from above that shoots down my nothing burger with no "I'm a huge dickhead overtones" - Try better next time Mr Angry

.... We pay our officials to work for us. When someone else pays them--in cash or gifts or trips to Paris--our officials don't work for us anymore.

This trip is worrying because there's arguably legit reason for the mayor and a few councilmembers to visit Pompidou, even on the taxpayer dime. Yet this vanilla trip gets shrouded in secrecy. Makes it hard to forget we live in Hudson County.