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paulstelian97 t1_j5z141k wrote

I'm surprised, for me the vibration on my wrist never fails at waking me up (to be fair in my sleep I push the snooze button -- and I have a backup alarm in case I push the stop button too)


SamShares t1_j5z33mw wrote

It’s too low, I’ve never missed waking up with my iPhone alarm all my years, it goes from low to loud and I love that part, I’ll hear it somewhere along the way once it starts.

I’ll have to test the watch on my days off lol, I work on call hours where I get to know the day before and it’s too risky to not wake up on my sudden 3am cover shift lol….


paulstelian97 t1_j5z3e38 wrote

For me the watch vibration is intense enough that it's basically impossible for me to ignore unless I'm literally knocked out/passed out/not getting enough oxygen to my brain. The alarm one can be distracting outright (so I don't use it during the day unless absolutely necessary).

Maybe I'm just explicitly sensitive to the vibration or something. Idk.