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Willinton06 t1_j24ysy7 wrote

In the wise words of the doctor from idiocracy

your shit is all fucked up


hamhocktheavengers t1_j24sqql wrote

How much free storage space do you have?


iridescentsocks t1_j259mhj wrote

I’m expecting there to be none.


AffectionateSnow2478 OP t1_j26eutf wrote

At the time of that screenshot, 400 MB.


sean101v t1_j26gv4d wrote

There’s your answer. Once you start running out of storage, devices tend to act wonky. You have to clear up space


iZeitgeist t1_j26jcfw wrote

That's likely the source of this issue, then. Even though this kind of problem doesn't happen nearly as much any more, it can still cause issues. Try freeing up some space, and restart your phone.


0x48_0x69 t1_j27siag wrote

I agree. try finding some stuff you’ve not used for a big while, or just get to Files app and try clearing up somg space, and restart. (full restart)


qwertyuiopa69 t1_j2857gq wrote

how much do you have total?


AffectionateSnow2478 OP t1_j28eami wrote

64 GB


MyManD t1_j28jluc wrote

iOS gets wonky as hell once you get under 1GB of storage. You’ve probably already done so at the advice of others, but going forward be it this phone or future ones try and keep it above one GB (or for safety, a few GBs) remaining. Same goes for things like laptops and desktops as well. You’d think remaining storage wouldn’t have such adverse affects but modern devices cache so much to the internal storage that OS’s invariably start acting up once it has no more space to do so.


iPodee t1_j295kkl wrote

delete shit immediately, your phone will break and your shit will be gone for good.


jamessaleh190e t1_j26eixr wrote

Why is the akinator app on your home bar?


freds_pancakes t1_j2825o5 wrote

Lmao that was the first thing I noticed too


AffectionateSnow2478 OP t1_j28ent0 wrote

Why tf is redit only noticing the reddit wiget and the fact I have Akinator 😂


TacoChowder t1_j29isjx wrote

Not that you have it, that you have it in the most accessible part of your phone


GooseInternational66 t1_j27ki5r wrote

Same question. I downloaded it and after it couldn’t guess anything I deleted it after like 10 minutes.


Aashishkebab t1_j2766kr wrote

All I saw was that quote and was confused until I saw the subreddit.


Mean-League6405 t1_j2805rs wrote

I was rickrolled by the most unexpected way


seasuighim t1_j271p9i wrote

Running out of storage. Restart phone and delete some things. I have the same problem.

No need to hard reset. It wont fix it because after restoring backup the storage will still be full.


Grandma_Billie t1_j2743io wrote

Hard resetting can actually make it worse depending on how much storage isn’t left as the phone needs enough room to turn on. Hard resetting in this situation could leave you stuck on the apple logo.


Jagwire89 t1_j28szbs wrote

Looks like you unlocked apples hidden android home screen set up.. Congrats!


LucasAuraelius t1_j2785ch wrote

You’ve run out of storage space. Bring your phone into recovery mode and update your phone using iTunes/Finder, that should clear it up


Kickmeiamadog t1_j28lft9 wrote

You need to keep 5-10% of your storage free for your phone to run efficiently. Tricky in this day and age I know; 64GB just wasn’t enough (even at release from around the 7/8/X onwards), 128gb+ is about right for most users.


OkRecommendation6311 t1_j28re2z wrote

You got me good lol. It’s too damn early for this. My brain was in help mode and I was getting trolled. Took me a while to realize hahaha


cgpandre t1_j26h9a0 wrote

Options : a) hard reset b) restore with iTunes.


rosebudpillow t1_j2752gp wrote

That’s strange I’ve never seen that before


Davidclabarr t1_j279gh0 wrote

Is it different every time? Mine did this right before it crashed and bricked. 13 pro. I had a good backup thank god.


RansomStuff t1_j283u04 wrote

Uninstall reddit and install Apollo instead. This won’t help with your problem but you should still do it


krys428680 t1_j28aws0 wrote

bro installed android


n8best t1_j28xh8w wrote

It broke


JonnehBoii41 t1_j2945f4 wrote

You need to clear up some space. At least a gigabyte or two. Your phone literally cannot think for itself with 400MB. If that space gets eaten up, your phone could become a brick with your only option being to restore it and reinstall iOS.


guygonzo t1_j29ca3n wrote

No storage …fix it…and at this point you may have an indexing issue so erase and start from new