Submitted by TehRubrDuk t3_yynubb in iphone

I recently updated to the latest version (1.16.1) and it is the worst decision that I have ever made period. It took me the better part of an hour trying to change the dementia clock font to something that faintly resembled the previous font.

Only after losing my will to live trying to revert that unnecessary change I discovered that notifications now appeared at the bottom of my screen, thinking it was a glitch I restarted my phone only to realise that it must now be an easily missed (in terms of seeing the notification) and moronic feature. I looked it up hoping for a quick and easy fix and found that most sites said to to go notifications and change the "display as" to "list" which unfortunately did jack shit. I went through the other settings and noticed that they also, did jack shit.

I've seen that many people are upset about this stupid change and frankly unwanted change, is there anything that I am missing in the setting or the damn confusing widget shit on the lock screen? Or do I have to suffer through and learn to hold my phone in a completely different way so I can actually see what the fuck I have been notified about?



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rootshirt t1_iwv5c1r wrote

It’s how it is now in iOS16. No way to change it. I’m not a huge fan either, but how are you holding your phone in a way that covers up the bottom of your screen lmao?


TehRubrDuk OP t1_iwv6ag3 wrote

Typically when I'm holding my phone I have my pinky supporting the weight of the phone with it resting on my other fingers, this allows my to not have to stretch my thumb to reach all over my screen. Unfortunately this also means that when I quickly pull out my phone to check time, notifications etc my thumb is perfectly inline with the area that the notifications now show up thus blocking them entirely.

Also the fact that there is no way to change it is fucking idiotic, something I'd like to go over and check out what "smart" and "innovative" people they have working at Apple. Surely they allow us to revert back to how it used to be, it was so much fucking better.


sophias_bush t1_iwvcm8t wrote

Might wanna update if you’re on 1.16.1. We’re currently on 16.1.1 so you’re a little behind.



TehRubrDuk OP t1_iwxqkoe wrote

ah yea whoops lmao, put the other .1 in the wrong spot my bad


Lunar-Modular t1_iwvlkdp wrote

Nothing to add, but I also came here to see if there are any tips to fix that godawful enormous lock clock. Feeling your pain.


Lunar-Modular t1_iwvwa4k wrote

I figured out the Lock Screen clock font change, at least.

You have to make a new Lock & Home Screen set. When you make the new one you’ll be able to edit the clock font by pressing the widget area. The problem was, you can’t edit a currently existing one. Just press and hold the Lock Screen to start.


BourbonCherries t1_iwwlftg wrote

Thanks for this, now if I could only figure out how to fix the notifications!


yeeeeeeboy t1_iwvpbva wrote

Came here looking for the same thing. Unfortunately seems like there's no fix.


gimmegimmecoffeee t1_ix1atug wrote

I came here looking for a solution to this as well. I really don’t want to go through the hassle of downgrading iOS just to get the old Lock Screen back but it’s causing genuine anxiety at times. So annoying.

The view of notifications is even more horrible while listening to music, as the artwork takes up the whole screen so multiple notifications for other apps will stack up underneath it… meaning in order to view them all I have to tap on them to make them expand, resulting in a squished layout that looks god awful. On the previous lock screen the music player was minimal and automatically adjusted with notifications displaying underneath it individually (not layered or stacked). Idk if that sounded confusing but it’s the best description I could give, lol.