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stooth64 t1_iyd1pfy wrote

Looks like it may be the zoom function. Try double-tapping on the screen with three fingers to zoom out. It can also be disabled in Settings -> Accessibility -> Zoom


veganlandfill OP t1_iyd29x0 wrote

well well well, now I'd like to ask you about optimizing my tax refund you bona fide lifesaver. Solid 99.9% thank you kindly.


gardobus t1_iydjlom wrote

The remaining .1% is an aggressive thank you.


veganlandfill OP t1_iydqhgm wrote

I gave it some thought, went through a couple things with this new found power, and decided that I will wait until the next time it happens to confirm that that is the issue. In testing the threefinger doubletap (derpderp) seemed to be correct, but I have never noticed the menu that comes up before. Also with the zoom on, I was able to move around the screen a bit whereas before the screen just locks in place which results in me not being able to pull the power off slider far enough or not be able to see it at all, which then was leading to hardware reset. I had tried a bunch of different tap techniques when I first encountered this, but can't recall if three finger double tap was one if them. The next time this takes me by surprise I will be prepared and if it is just zooming and exiting the menu and I don't have to hardware rest my phone I'll get that last 0.1 to /u/stooth64 asap.


gardobus t1_iyej66r wrote

So, will that result in 100% kind thank you or will that last .1% be different due to the delay?


ZGTI61 t1_iyeddk1 wrote

This was happening to my FIL. He was about to throw the phone through the wall in his condo with his phone every item it happened. He wears a size 16 ring just to give you an idea of how big his hands are. He wasn’t doing it on purpose. We turned it off lol.


Runelite_HD t1_iyei86i wrote

Are there any good uses for the zoom feature?


XtremePhotoDesign t1_iyet27e wrote



Runelite_HD t1_iyeu3q9 wrote

That wasn’t the question.

As opposed to just increasing text size? I suppose if someone has three fingers but cannot spread two of them in order to zoom, then yeah it makes sense. Quite a niche scenario.


XtremePhotoDesign t1_iyf30t7 wrote

Increasing text size doesn't work with images (or text in an image).

Also, the 3-finger double tap is faster than a pinch to zoom, and the gesture can be easier for people with limited mobility (e.g. arthritis).

Apple doesn't consider these use cases niche because they have more data than you do about the general population – specifically customers who use their products.


bonkerzrob t1_iyf3dov wrote

That is most likely the optimal shortcut they could use. It isn’t intended for three fingered people. Most other double taps/clicks are reserved for other functions. For example, activating Apple Pay takes two clicks of the power button, but it wasn’t invented for people who can only click it twice. The usage of three fingers is to prevent people accidentally activating it with two fingers.


the400se666 t1_iydlcf0 wrote

at least you can admire iphone emojis up close


veganlandfill OP t1_iydr2y2 wrote



fmillion t1_iyeji4u wrote

It's the new advertising trend.

It's no longer "call today", now it's




buckyrocks t1_iye2jzn wrote

I actually use this feature... Without the zoom and with a "Low Light" filter applied. It is great for when you're in dark conditions and you want to quickly bring the brightness down (or lower than the minimum). Triple click power button and done!


veganlandfill OP t1_iye7hc1 wrote

Oh I like this; I am forever looking for lower than min brightness. 100% thank you for this cool idea and integration!


Kriskao t1_iye485n wrote

Try double tap with 3 fingers


odebruku t1_iyenvkh wrote

Did you say something mean to Siri? She doesn’t like that and …. We’ll be nice


hsvjimbo75 t1_iyesv7r wrote

Out of the blue, on the job, this happened to me. I had to reset the phone for it to go away.


n8best t1_iyegl1m wrote

It broken.


crevettegrise t1_iyehvid wrote

iOS 16.1.2 just got released today, try updating to it.
