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Skripka t1_iufnlkg wrote

As others have noted Google Photos perks have been gone for over a year

There's a handful of software things that Google does just plain better with its Pixel line. Specifically voice-to-text and spam call/text blocking, on the Pixel line they work great IME...but, the Pixel/Nexus line has always had hardware problems. I liked my 6Pro, but the 5G modem chip was last gen and my handset was one of those that ran hot on 5G. And, honestly, if I' m going to be paying iPhone prices anyway to get a decent Android--I might as well just get an iPhone. That was always the alure of Android of getting the same/better for less--but that stopped being the case a while ago.

No handset is perfect. But Apple has been supporting their handsets better for a long while in software and hardware compared to any Android OEM. My iPhone needs a new battery--I can pay nominal fee, walk into a shop, and get a new battery and not need to buy another $1000 phone because of the battery.

There's also the reality that the Android app store is poorly curated and riddled with ad/malware that goes unpoliced. Generally iPhone apps are higher quality. Although there tend to be more paywalls, the apps are more sustainable and better maintained.


Sqou OP t1_iugmqyw wrote

Thanks for your view. Just wanted to add, that if you choose to upload your photos in a slightly reduced quality (not noticeable at all) it still is unlimited for us. We use the Pixel 5 and 6. I don't know if it's any different here in Germany than in other regions.