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Fuspo t1_iujbnxf wrote

So I used to be a manager for sprint.

I’ve gone through so many phones in that with my last being the Galaxy S6 when I switched careers.

Between androids and iPhones there came a point where they all became boring and I started to look for something that did everything that I need it to do well enough.

After more back and forth between flagship iPhones and Androids I finally landed on the iPhone X when it released and I think screen, operating system and usability finally landed to a place where I was content knowing that my phone could do what I needed it to.

So many people are so hyper focused on well my phone has this awesome feature, yours doesn’t back and forth from both sides and I have to admit I was like that as well.

So when you finally dig down into, what do I really care about and what do I really need? Then for me iPhone hits all the boxes.

Reliably great quality camera, easy to use interface, cross device app support (watch, tablet, MacBook Pro), Handoff support and mostly an actual company owned store front that I can go to with issues for any of my mention devices and not have to deal with the service provider.

I by no mean claim that iPhone is the master race phone or best or what ever. However, it is to me the perfect phone for my specific needs.

With that said I do sometimes miss my old pixel phone.